A new Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
Title : Optimizing IP Mobility Authentication with EAP
Author(s) : B. Patil, et al
Filename : draft-perkins-netext-eapbu-00.txt
Pages : 8
Date : 2011-10-25
The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is commonly used for
access authentication in many wireless networks. EAP methods often
involve AAA servers to effect the required authentications;
notifications about success or failure are then relayed back to a
functional module in the access network known as the Network Access
Server. The Binding Authentication Data option has been defined for
enabling alternative methods for authentication in the context of
Mobile IPv6, and there is a subtype allocated for AAA-based
authentication methods such as EAP. However, some EAP methods
require additional handling that requires specification not yet
available in the existing documentation for the Binding
Authentication Data option. This document provides the required
specification for at least some very widely deployed EAP methods. In
many situations requiring the use of EAP, this enables much faster
operation for Mobile IPv6 tunnel redirection to a wireless device's
new care-of address by avoiding having to do multiple
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