A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
Title : Route Flap Damping Implement Survey
Author(s) : S. Tsuchiya, et al.
Filename : draft-shishio-grow-isp-rfd-implement-survey-00.txt
Pages : 8
Date : 2011-03-07
Route Flap Damping RFC2439 is a mecanism for BGProute improve the
stability and reduce the load of CPU of the core routers.
But it has side-effect,so RIPE has not recommended use of Route Flap
Damping on RIPE-378 since May 2006.
On the other hand,there are some reserch reports to improve RFC2439
such as draft-ymbk-rfd-usable.
This documentation describes the survey of current service provider
Route Flap Damping implementation.
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