A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
Title : Ingress filtering by using Wildcard mask bits
Author(s) : A. Shahid, S. Ahmed
Filename : draft-shahid-protect-edge-devices-00.txt
Pages : 16
Date : 2011-01-20
Security of the IP Network is always one of the primary concerns of
the network design and normally used layered approach. It is
recommended not to rely on a single layer of defense, but to
configure multi-layer security measures.
The primary purpose of this paper is to propose a simple and
effective solution to enhance the security of EDGE devices which are
connected to external users in a Service Provider network. Most
Service Providers commonly use ingress filtering as one of the
methods to filter traffic to secure edge devices of their
infrastructure from external users. The proposed technique will use
a special wildcard mask on the network addresses to limit the
accessibility of the Service Provider EDGE devices from external
users. This will greatly enhance the security of the Service
Provider's edge devices from malicious attacks such as Denial of
Service (DoS).
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