A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
Title : Problem Statements of IPv6 Transition of ISP
Author(s) : Y. Lee, et al.
Filename : draft-lee-v4v6tran-problem-01.txt
Pages : 11
Date : 2010-09-03
The IETF has defined a number of technologies and techniques that
targets the transition from IPv4 to IPv6. Documented techniques
identify high level use cases and generalized options for networks.
Operators may have difficulty attempting to apply the documented
techniques to their networks since each network and system operates
uniquely within the global Internet. Operators may require guidance
on how to identify the appropriate technology, or technologies, and
apply them to their specific environments. This memo describes the
problem statements related to the transition of operator's networks
to IPv6.
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