A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
Title : The Subnetwork Encapsulation and Adaptation Layer (SEAL)
Author(s) : F. Templin
Filename : draft-templin-intarea-seal-17.txt
Pages : 40
Date : 2010-09-02
For the purpose of this document, a subnetwork is defined as a
virtual topology configured over a connected IP network routing
region and bounded by encapsulating border nodes. These virtual
topologies may span multiple IP and/or sub-IP layer forwarding hops,
and can introduce failure modes due to packet duplication and/or
links with diverse Maximum Transmission Units (MTUs). This document
specifies a Subnetwork Encapsulation and Adaptation Layer (SEAL) that
accommodates such virtual topologies over diverse underlying link
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