The IESG has approved the following document: - 'Addressing Record-Route issues in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) ' <draft-ietf-sip-record-route-fix-10.txt> as a Proposed Standard This document is the product of the Session Initiation Protocol Working Group. The IESG contact persons are Robert Sparks and Cullen Jennings. A URL of this Internet-Draft is: Technical Summary Multi-homed SIP proxies (having two or more interfaces) raise special requirements when handling SIP requests that have different ingress and egress interfaces. One technique that has been widely deployed is to insert a single Record-Route header describing the egress interface. When another request in the same dialog then traverses the proxy in a reverse direction, the proxy must edit the headers to reflect the new egress interface. This document formalizes another technique that has also been widely deployed and found to be simpler and more effective. Using this technique, the proxy inserts two record-route headers, one for the ingress interface and one for the egress interface. This keeps the route symmetric, such that it can be traversed in the reverse direction without requiring examination and editing by the proxy, thereby reducing system complexity and processing load in the proxy. Working Group Summary There is very strong consensus around the recommendations in this document. The working group spent significant time debating whether to produce these recommendations as a set of corrections to RFC3261 or as a BCP with the latter result. Document Quality The practices documented here are significantly deployed and have been tested at many interoperability test events. Personnel Nils Ohlmeier is the Document Shepherd. Robert Sparks is the responsible Area Director. _______________________________________________