The IESG has received an appeal from Dean Anderson. The title of this appeal is "Appeal of DNSOP WG Decision of September 13, 2008". The text of this appeal can be found at the following URL: Both Ron Bonica and Russ Housley recused from considering this appeal. The IESG considered the technical issues raised in the appeal. The IESG considered the various arguments on the extent of deployment of BCP38, and the likelihood of attacks, and concluded that it is not unreasonable for the IETF to make further recommendations to avoid such attacks. The IESG also considered the procedural issues raised in the appeal. We did not find evidence of wrong-doing on the part of the WG chairs or from the Area Director. There are many considerations in determining consensus and approving a document, and we found that the WG Chairs and Area Director made these decisions reasonably. We also believe that Dean Anderson's concerns were adequately considered by the Working Group. Article 3 of the appeal does not appear to claim any violations of IETF process. _______________________________________________