Protocol Action: 'Rights Contributors provide to the IETF Trust' to BCP

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The IESG has approved the following documents:

- 'Advice to the Trustees of the IETF Trust on Rights to be Granted in 
   IETF Documents '
   <draft-ietf-ipr-outbound-rights-07.txt> as an Informational RFC
- 'Rights Contributors provide to the IETF Trust '
   <draft-ietf-ipr-3978-incoming-09.txt> as a BCP

These documents are products of the Intellectual Property Rights Working 

The IESG contact person is Russ Housley.

A URL of this Internet-Draft is:

Technical Summary

  The IETF policies about intellectual property rights in Contributions
  to the IETF are designed to ensure that such Contributions can be made
  available to the IETF and Internet communities while permitting the
  authors to retain as many rights as possible.  Of course, Contributors
  grant some rights to the IETF.  The IETF trust holds and manages those
  rights on behalf of the IETF.  The Trustees of the IETF Trust are
  responsible for that management.  This management includes granting
  the licenses to copy, implement and otherwise use IETF contributions,
  among them Internet-Drafts and RFCs.  The Trustees of the IETF Trust
  accepts direction from the IETF regarding the rights to be granted.

  draft-ietf-ipr-3978-incoming (destined for BCP) details the IETF
  policies on rights in Contributions to the IETF.  It also describes
  the objectives that the policies are designed to meet.

  draft-ietf-ipr-outbound-rights (destined for Informational) describes
  the desires of the IETF regarding outbound rights to be granted by the
  IETF Trust in IETF Contributions.

Working Group Summary

  This document is the product of the IPR Working Group.

  The most contentious part of the debate was on whether or not to
  freely allow the production of modified versions of the material
  outside the IETF context.  The rough consensus was that code has to be
  modifiable in order to be useful, while the arguments for allowing
  modification of prose text were not compelling.

Protocol Quality

  The documents were reviewed by the IPR Working Group and by IETF

  The documents were reviewed by Russ Housley for the IESG.

RFC Editor Note

  These documents will not come into force until it is published as an  
  RFC.  The IETF Trust is in the final stages of approval for the
  license agreement that meets the requirements contained in these
  documents.  The IETF Chair or IETF Trust Chair will provide the URL;
  however, the RFC numbers for these documents is needed for the
  license agreement.  Coordination is needed to ensure that these
  documents come out together.

  Please add the followinf title page header lines:

    Obsoletes: 3978, 4748
    Updates: 2026

  In section 1, item k should include a more encompassing definition
  for "RFC":


   k. "RFC": the basic publication series for the IETF.


   k. "RFC": the publication series used by the IETF among others.

  Section 4 should not limits rights assignment to "IETF Standards
  Process", rather it should address all "IETF Processes" since not all
  of the work in the IETF is about creating standards.  For example,
  some of the work in the IETF is about process change.


   4.  Non-IETF documents

   This document only relates to Contributions made as part of the IETF
   Standards Process  Other documents that are referred to as Internet-
   Drafts and RFCs may be submitted to and published by the RFC Editor
   independently of the IETF Standards Process.  Such documents are not
   covered by this document, unless the controlling entity for that
   document stream, as described in [RFC 4844] chooses to apply these
   rules.   Non-IETF Contributions must be marked appropriately as
   described in the Legend Instructions.  See the RFC Editor web page
   for information about the policies concerning rights in RFC Editor
   Documents; for other document streams, the controlling entity must be
   contacted. See Section 11 for a declaration from the IAB on this


   4.  Non-IETF documents

   This document only relates to Contributions made as part of the IETF
   Processes.  Other documents that are referred to as Internet-Drafts
   and RFCs may be submitted to and published by the RFC Editor
   independently of the IETF Standards Process.  Such documents are not
   covered by this document, unless the controlling entity for that
   document stream, as described in [RFC 4844] chooses to apply these
   rules.  Non-IETF Contributions must be marked appropriately as
   described in the Legend Instructions.  See the RFC Editor web page
   for information about the policies concerning rights in RFC Editor
   Documents; for other document streams, the controlling entity must be
   contacted. See Section 11 for a declaration from the IAB on this


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