A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
Title : Effects of port randomization with TCP TIME-WAIT state.
Author(s) : A. Ramaiah, P. Tate
Filename : draft-ananth-tsvwg-timewait-00.txt
Pages : 12
Date : 2008-07-06
Source port randomization has been suggested to provide improved
security and obfuscation which helps in adding robustness towards
blind attacks. With TCP in practice, simply producing a random port
as the source port for a new connection can lead to problems when a
TCP client establishes connections to a TCP server at a high rate.
If the same source port value is chosen twice, the client TCP
connection can fail due to the server having the Transmission Control
Block (TCB) for this tuple lingering in TIME-WAIT state.
This memo discusses the ramifications of such source port reuse
scenarios and suggests some mitigations to avoid the same.
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