Henrik Levkowetz has kindly agreed to provide support for nominations
and feedback collection tools and other nomcom information maintenance.
Nomcom 2007-8 shall be using Henrik's services by appointing him in
the formal role of an advisor in the following capacity:
Henrik provides technical support for nominations and feedback
collection tools.
He may have incidental access to some peripheral information (e.g.,
someone with email address X may have nominated someone) as he maintains
the server and the tools; he shall not have access to the nominations or
feedback on candidates itself.
Henrik is bound by the same confidentiality rules as other members of
the nomcom.
Henrik is not a member of the Nomcom07 list and shall not be
participating in any deliberations except when the nomcom may call him
to discuss the tools.
He is not privy to any other nomcom information. Nomcom members cannot
talk to him about anything related to nomcom deliberations (other than
as a member of the community) except for discussion on tools
requirements and maintenance support.
Henrik is not eligible as a candidate for any of the open IESG, IAB or
IAOC positions considered by Nomcom 2007-8.
Thanks Henrik on behalf of the nomcom for your invaluable services.
best regards,
Nomcom 2007-8 Chair