Folks, We are trying our best to complete nomcom voting member selection before the Chicago meeting while still conforming to 3777. The idea is to have at least two face-to-face meetings where the nomcom members can interact with the IETF contributors. If you find anything amiss at any stage, we encourage you to launch challenges as early as you can. - Solicitation for volunteers June 05-July 05, 2007 - Announce pool of volunteers July 06, 2007 o Announce date and method of random selection - Run random selection and Announce membership July 13, 2007 o Challenge period begins - Confirm membership July 20, 2007 - Nomcom self-organization Phase 1 July 22, 2007 - Nomcom members community input at the Chicago meeting July 22-27, 2007 - Nomcom self-organization Phase 2 July 27-Aug 27, 2007 - Send call for nominations and Aug 31, 2007 Announce milestones (Timeline-Part 2) best regards, Lakshminath _______________________________________________