I am pleased to announce that the 2006-2007 NomCom selection and confirmation process for IAB is complete. At this time, on behalf of the NomCom, here is the list of IAB members selected for the positions under review by the NomCom: IAB ---- Barry Lieba Loa Andersson Kurtis Lindqvist Danny McPherson Dave Thaler Lixia Zhang The NomCom joins the rest of the IETF community in thanking all these individuals for taking these positions, and in thanking all those who volunteered to be considered as a candidate in the NomCom process. I thank everyone who volunteered to serve on the NomCom, and especially the volunteers who were selected to make up this NomCom: Voting volunteers: Brian Haberman Cengiz Alaettinoglu Dan Li Hao Zhou John Drake Juergen Quittek Kurt Zeilenga Martin Stiemerling Stephen Kent Vidya Narayanan Non-voting liaisons and advisor: Fred Baker ISOC liaison Olaf Kolkman IAB liaison Cullen Jennings IESG liaison Ralph Droms Advisor (past chair) These members of the NomCom found time in their schedules to join twice-weekly teleconferences, solicit and review input from across the IETF, conduct a thorough and well-considered review of the candidates and develop a slate of excellent nominees for the positions we were asked to fill. Our liaisons and advisor provided us with sage and helpful guidance. Also, thanks to Henrik Levkowetz for his great work in developing the web-based input and tracking toolsets for our candidate review. Henrik's tools allowed community members to provide comments directly to a NomCom tracker. NomCom members also now have a single place to access all the comments provided by the community, add input they received from the community and track meeting notes and agendas. Finally, thanks to everyone who took the time to participate in the process through nominations, interviews and input on the candidates under review. - Andrew Lange (chair), for the 2006-2007 IESG Nominating Committee _______________________________________________ IETF-Announce@ietf.org https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf-announce