The previously announced Routing & Addressing Directorate has been established, to provide additional, cross-area, coordination of information and discussion on topics relating to Internet routing & addressing. The charter page for this group can be found here: The initial five members are: Vince Fuller Thomas Narten Erik Nordmark Jason Schiller John Scudder We intend the Directorate to expand from the initial five members to roughly ten people with different experience and expertise. We expect it to focus on communication and coordination. As with all IETF directorates, this group has no decision-making authority. It will not be charged with picking solutions or choosing a technical direction. That remains a community decision. This Directorate is expected to have a lifetime of about 5 years (with a first review of membership after six months, followed by an annual review). The group can be reached at: radir at You also may see this address cc:ed on correspondence regarding routing- and addressing-related WG charters and documents. Brian & Leslie. _______________________________________________