The IESG has approved the following document: - 'Mounting Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) servers ' <draft-reschke-webdav-mount-05.txt> as an Informational RFC This document has been reviewed in the IETF but is not the product of an IETF Working Group. The IESG contact person is Lisa Dusseault. A URL of this Internet-Draft is: Technical Summary This is a small, focused solution to the problem of advertising a WebDAV share, or mountable namespace, in a context where a WebDAV-capable HTTP URL is indistinguishable from other display-only HTTP URLs. For example, in a Web homepage constructed for students, a university could provide links to launch a WebDAV synch client together with the information to mount the student's online storage space. There was careful discussion including the W3C liaisons as to whether this was the right approach, compared particularly to the other common approach (which doesn't require a Proposed Standard but is discouraged by W3C TAG) of defining a new scheme for a new kind of URI. Working Group Summary Although this was discussed in the WebDAV WG and received some support, this is not a WG product. There was no dissent. Protocol Quality Lisa Dusseault reviewed this specification for the IESG. Note to RFC Editor Please update the security considerations with the text discussed by the IESG. OLD: When mount documents contain user names (using the <dm:username> element defined in Section 3.4), servers hosting such documents (or clients creating them) should pay attention to the public readability of the document and related privacy concerns. NEW: The OPTIONAL <dm:username> element defined in Section 3.4 allows the inclusion of user names into mount documents. However in some cases, user name information is considered to be security sensitive. Should this be the case, parties generating mount documents are advised to either not to include user names, or to use access control to restrict access to the information as desired. _______________________________________________