The IESG has approved the following documents: - 'A DNS RR for Encoding DHCP Information (DHCID RR) ' <draft-ietf-dnsext-dhcid-rr-13.txt> as a Proposed Standard - 'The DHCP Client FQDN Option ' <draft-ietf-dhc-fqdn-option-13.txt> as a Proposed Standard - 'Resolution of FQDN Conflicts among DHCP Clients ' <draft-ietf-dhc-ddns-resolution-12.txt> as a Proposed Standard - 'The DHCPv6 Client FQDN Option ' <draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-fqdn-05.txt> as a Proposed Standard These documents are products of the Dynamic Host Configuration Working Group. The IESG contact persons are Margaret Wasserman and Mark Townsley. A URL of this Internet-Draft is: Technical Summary These four documents jointly specify how fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) are handled in DHCP, how the mapping between FQDNs and DHCP-assigned addresses are registered in the DNS, and how conflicts are resolved when multiple DHCP servers or clients attempt to register the same FQDN. In particular: draft-ietf-dhc-ddns-resolution-10.txt: Defines a mechanism to resolve conflicts when multiple DHCP clients or servers try to register the same FQDN in the DNS. draft-ietf-dnsext-dhcid-rr-10.txt: Defines and RR type for use with the DDNS resolution mechanism in the previous document. draft-ietf-dhc-fqdn-option-11.txt: Defines the FQDN option for DHCP(v4). draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-fqdn-03.txt: Defines the FQDN option for DHCPv6. Working Group Summary These documents are the work output of the DNSEXT and DHC WGs. There was consensus in both groups to publish these documents as Proposed Standards. Protocol Quality These documents have been reviewed for the IESG by Margaret Wasserman. _______________________________________________