NomCom05 is accepting nominations for open IAB, IESG and IAOC positions. Information about the requirements for the open positions is available at and Note that self-nominations are accepted and encouraged! Please send nominations, including the nominee's name, contact information and nominated position to NomCom05 will accept nominations until November 23, 2006. NomCom05 is also accepting input about the IAB, the IESG and the IAOC, incumbents in those bodies and potential candidates that the committee will use to guide its decisions. You can send your input directly to nomcom05@ietf,org. If you would prefer to provide anonymous input, send it to and I will remove any identifying content from your input before passing it on to NomCom05. IAB members whose terms will expire are: Leslie Daigle Patrik Faltstrom Bob Hinden Eric Rescorla Pete Resnick Jonathan Rosenberg IESG members whose terms will expire are: Scott Hollenbeck -- Applications Area Margaret Wasserman -- Internet Area Bert Wijnen -- Operations and Management Area Alex Zinin -- Routing Area Sam Hartman -- Security Area Allison Mankin -- Transport Area (empty - two year) -- Real-time Applications and Infrastructure (empty - one year) -- Real-time Applications and Infrastructure The IAOC member whose term will expire is: Ed Juskevicius - Ralph Droms Chair, NomCom05 _______________________________________________