64th IETF - DRAFT Agenda

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IETF Meetings start Monday morning and run through Friday lunchtime, with late
scheduling changes. Newcomers' training and technical tutorials take place the
previous Sunday afternoon. Participants should plan their travel accordingly.

This is the first draft of the agenda, the final agenda will be published
October 17, 2005
DRAFT Agenda of the Sixty-fourth IETF
November 6-11, 2005
As of 10/7/2005

SUNDAY, November 6, 2005
1200-1900 Registration - 
1300-1430 Newcomerâ??s Training - 
1300-1500 Security Tutorial - 
1500-1700 Introduction to WG Leadership: Chairs & Editors - 
1500-1700 DNS for Programmers - 
1700-1900 Welcome Reception -  

MONDAY, November 7, 2005
0800-1800 IETF Registration - 
0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - 
0900-1130 Morning Session I 
APP  apparea    Applications and Transportation Joint Area Meeting 
INT  dnsext     DNS Extensions WG
INT  eap        Extensible Authentication Protocol WG
OPS  grow       Global Routing Operations WG
RTG  ccamp      Common Control and Measurement Plane WG

1130-1300 Break 
1300-1500 Afternoon Session I
APP  lemonade   Enhancements to Internet email to Support Diverse Service
Environments WG
INT  ipdvb      IP over Digital Video Broadcast WG
INT  l2vpn      Layer 2 Virtual Private Networks WG
OPS  capwap     Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points WG
OPS  v6ops      IPv6 Operations WG
SEC  dkim       Domain Keys Identified Mail BOF
TSV  ecrit      Emergency Context Resolution with Internet Technologies WG
TSV  ippm       IP Performance Metrics WG

1510-1710 Afternoon Session II 
INT  softwire   Softwire BOF
OPS  bmwg       Benchmarking Methodology WG
RTG  rtgarea    Routing Area Meeting
SEC  krb-wg     Kerberos WG
TSV  rmt        Reliable Multicast Transport WG
TSV  sipping    Session Initiation Protocol Investigation WG

1710-1740 Afternoon Refreshment Break -
1740-1840 Afternoon Session III
APP  calsify    Calendaring and Scheduling Standards Simplification WG
INT  mipshop    MIPv6 Signaling and Handoff Optimization WG
INT  ntp        Network Time Protocol WG
OPS  opsarea    Operations & Management Open Area
RTG  rpsec      Routing Protocols Security Requirements WG
SEC  smime      S/MIME Mail Security WG
TSV  fecframe   FEC over Transport Framework BOF

1850-1950 Afternoon Session IV
APP  xmlpatch   XML-Patch-Ops BOF
INT  netlmm     Network-based Localized Mobility Management BOF
INT  ntp        Network Time Protocol WG
OPS  opsarea    Operations & Management Open Area
RTG  bfd        Bidirectional Forwarding Detection WG
SEC  ltans      Long-Term Archive and Notary Services WG
SEC  syslog     Security Issues in Network Event Logging WG
TSV  pmtud      Path MTU Discovery WG

TUESDAY, November 8, 2005
0800-1800 IETF Registration - 
0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - 
0900-1130 Morning Session I
APP  rui        Remote UI BOF
INT  ipv6       IP Version 6 WG
INT  monami6    Mobile Nodes and Multiple Interfaces in IPv6 BOF
OPS  radext     Radius Extensions WG
RTG  mpls       MultiProtocol Label Switching WG
SEC  sasl       Simple Authentication and Security Layer WG
TSV  nfsv4      Network File System Version 4 WG
TSV  xcon       Centralized Conferencing WG

1130-1300 Break 
1300-1500 Afternoon Session I
APP  imapext    Internet Message Access Protocol Extension WG
INT  16ng       IPv6 over IEEE 802.6(e) Network BOF
RTG  forces     Forwarding and Control Element Separation WG
RTG  idr        Inter-Domain Routing WG
SEC  isms       Integrated Security Model for SNMP WG
SEC  pkix       Public-Key Infrastructure (X.509) WG
TSV  rserpool   Reliable Server Pooling WG
TSV  sip        Session Initiation Protocol WG

1510-1710 Afternoon Session II
GEN  edu        EduTeam General Meeting
INT  mip4       Mobility for IPv4 WG
OPS  dnsop      Domain Name System Operations WG
RTG  gels       GMPLS Controlled Ethernet Label Switching BOF
RTG  ospf       Open Shortest Path First IGP WG
SEC  tls        Transport Layer Security WG
TSV  behave     Behavior Engineering for Hindrance Avoidance WG
TSV  dccp       Datagram Congestion Control Protocol WG

1710-1740 Afternoon Refreshment Break -
1740-1840 Afternoon Session III
APP  crisp      Cross Registry Information Service Protocol WG
INT  dhc        Dynamic Host Configuration WG
INT  pana       Protocol for Carrying Authenticaion for Network Access WG
IRTF  mobopts   IP Mobility Optimizations RG
OPS  imss       Internet and Management Support for Storage WG
RTG  rtgwg      Routing Area WG
SEC  pki4ipsec  Profiling Use of PKI in IPSEC WG
TSV  enum       Telephone Number Mapping WG

1850-1950 Afternoon Session IV
APP  opes       Open Pluggable Edge Services WG
GEN  ipr        Intellectual Property Rights WG
INT  dhc        Dynamic Host Configuration WG
INT  ipoib      IP over InfiniBand WG
IRTF  mobopts   IP Mobility Optimizations RG
OPS  opsec      Operational Security Capabilities for IP Network Infrastructure
SEC  msec       Multicast Security WG
TSV  enum       Telephone Number Mapping WG

WEDNESDAY, November 9, 2005
0800-1700 IETF Registration - 
0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - 
0900-1130 Morning Session I
APP  lemonade   Enhancements to Internet email to Support Diverse Service
Environments WG
INT  dna        Detecting Network Attachment WG
INT  pwe3       Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge to Edge WG
OPS  mboned     MBONE Deployment WG
RTG  sidr       Secure Inter-Domain Routing BOF
SEC  kitten     Kitten (GSS-API Next Generation) WG
TSV  mmusic     Multiparty Multimedia Session Control WG
TSV  nsis       Next Steps in Signaling WG

1130-1300 Break 
1300-1500 Afternoon Session I
APP  geopriv    Geographic Location/Privacy WG
APP  sieve      Sieve Mail Filtering Language WG
INT  nemo       Network Mobility WG
INT  trill      Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links WG
RTG  l1vpn      Layer 1 Virtual Private Networks WG
SEC  inch       Extended Incident Handling WG
SEC  mobike     IKEv2 Mobility and Multihoming WG
TSV  sipping    Session Initiation Protocol Investigation WG

1510-1610 Afternoon Session II
GEN  pesci      Process Evolution Consideration for the IETF BOF
INT  autoconf   Ad-Hoc Network Autoconfiguration BOF
RTG  isis       IS-IS for IP Internets WG
SEC  mobike     IKEv2 Mobility and Multihoming WG
TSV  xcon       Centralized Conferencing WG

1610-1700 Afternoon Refreshment Break -
1700-1930 IETF Operations and Administration Plenary - 
	Session Chair: Brian Carpenter

2200          Late Night Session
      PGP Key Signing 

THURSDAY, November 10, 2005
0800-1700 IETF Registration - 
0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - 
0900-1130 Morning Session I
APP  iee        Internationalized Email and Extensions BOF
GEN  techspec   Requirements for IETF Technical Specification Publication BOF
INT  mip6       Mobility for IPv6 WG
IRTF  rrg       Routing Research Group
RTG  pce        Path Computation Element WG
SEC  emu        EAP Method Update BOF
TSV  tcpm       TCP Maintenance and Minor Extensions WG
TSV  voipeer    VoIP Peering and Interconnect BOF

1130-1300 Break 
1300-1500 Afternoon Session I
APP  geopriv    Geographic Location/Privacy WG
INT  hip        Host Identity Protocol WG
INT  l3vpn      Layer 3 Virtual Private Networks WG
OPS  psamp      Packet Sampling WG
RTG  manet      Mobile Ad hoc Networks WG
SEC  saag       Open Security Area Directorate
TSV  sip        Session Initiation Protocol WG

1510-1610 Afternoon Session II
APP  ldapbis    LDAP (v3) Revision WG
INT  6lowpan    IPv6 over Low Power WPAN WG
OPS  ipcdn      IP over Cable Data Network WG
RTG  pim        Protocol Independent Multicast WG
SEC  btns       Better Than Nothing Security WG
TSV  nsis       Next Steps in Signaling WG
TSV  speechsc   Speech Services Control WG

1610-1700 Afternoon Refreshment Break -
1700-1930 Technical Plenary - 
	Session Chair: Leslie Daigle

FRIDAY, November 11, 2005
0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - 
0900-1130 Morning Session I
APP  simple     SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions WG
INT  shim6      Site Multihoming by IPv6 Intermediation WG
TSV  avt        Audio/Visual Transport WG

1230-1500Afternoon Session I
IRTF  hiprg     Host Identity Protocol RG



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