(Posted on behalf of Lucy Lynch, IAOC Chair) Monthly Report for the IAOC for April, 2005. As part of the IETF Administrative Support Activity (IASA) described by BCP 101 (RFC4071), the IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC) was formed "to provide appropriate direction to the IAD [IETF Administrative Director], to review the IAD's regular reports, and to oversee IASA functions to ensure that the administrative needs of the IETF community are being properly met." The IAOC is charged by BCP 101 with providing regular reports to the IETF community; this monthly report is intended to serve as part of this reporting requirement. Following the processes outlined in draft-iab-iaoc-selection-01.txt, the IAB, IESG and ISOC selected members for the IAOC in March and early April, 2005. BCP 101 states that The IAOC will become active as soon as a majority (three or more) of the appointed members have been selected. Leslie Daigle and Brian Carpenter, in an email to the IETF Announcement list on April 4, 2005, announced the instantiation of the IAOC : With these appointments and ISOC's concurrent announcement of their selection, the initial IAOC is now "live", and the IASA structure is instantiated. The initial IAOC, which also includes the IETF Chair, the IAB Chair, and the ISOC President as ex officio members, will be seated at the first regular business meeting, scheduled for Thursday, April 7. The current membership is (in alphabetical order): Brian Carpenter, IETF Chair, ex officio. Steve Crocker, appointed by the ISOC Board of Trustees for two years. Leslie Daigle, IAB Chair, ex officio. Kurtis Lindqvist, appointed by the IESG for one year. Lucy Lynch, appointed by the IAB for two years. Lynn St Amour, ISOC President/CEO, ex officio. Two additional members are to be provided by the NomCom; this selection process is now underway. The IAOC conducts regular (presently weekly) teleconferences, for which minutes are currently available at http://www.alvestrand.no/ietf/adminrest/transteam/notes/. The first such teleconference, on April 7, 2005, led to the election of Lucy Lynch as the IAOC Chair and the appointment of Marshall Eubanks as the IAOC Secretary. According to BCP 101 The IAOC decides the details about its decision-making rules, including its rules for quorum, conflict of interest, and breaking of ties. and in its first meetings the IAOC decided that all members (including ex officio members) would have one vote and that the IAOC would operate on consensus to the extent possible. The work conducted by the IAOC during the month of April centered on the following areas : IAD hiring, establishment of a contract for Secretariat Services, establishment of a Trust for IETF Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), and resolving logistical and housekeeping details associated with the start of a new oversight body. IAD Hiring : The IAOC is charged with selection of the IAD, who will conduct and oversee most of the day-to-day operational tasks of the IASA. The IASA Transition Team issued a call for applications for this position and conducted the initial interviews of the applicants. The IAOC has continued evaluating these applicants and expects to make a selection in May. Contract for Secretariat Services : At present, there is no outstanding contract for the services provided by the IETF Secretariat. The IAOC is empowered by the BCP 101 to execute such a contract and is pursuing this matter vigorously. The IETF Secretariat is hosted by Foretec Seminars Inc., a subsidiary of the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI). Foretec is currently in the process of being sold to NeuStar, Inc. Assuming that this sale is completed, the IAOC intends to contract with NeuStar, if mutually acceptable terms can be reached, to provide these services for a term not to exceed 2 years, with subsequent terms being contracted under a formal Request for Proposals. NeuStar has informed the IAOC that it is working on a draft contract and will circulate it to the IAOC for comments soon. NeuStar and the IAOC intend to use the upcoming IETF-63 in Paris as a case study to better understand the revenues, expenses, and service requirements of IETF meetings. IPR Trust : The IAOC received from CNRI a proposed Trust Agreement for the handling of Intellectual Property belonging to the IETF and is discussing it with CNRI. Housekeeping : Directors Insurance for IAOC members is now in place, there is an email to reach the IAOC (iaoc@ietf.org), and it was decided to maintain public IAOC information on the IASA Transition Team Wiki for the present, and to make changes there to reflect the advent of the IAOC. _______________________________________________ IETF-Announce@ietf.org https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf-announce