Simple Lightweight RFID Reader Protocol BOF (slrrp) Tuesday, March 8 at 1300-1500 ============================= CHAIRS: Scott Barvick <> Marshall Rose <> AGENDA: - Welcome and agenda bashing - Review of proposed WG history, mailing list activity, and progress update on SLRRP I-D - Discussion of proposed WG charter with goal of quantifying critical interest and achieving consensus on the WG charter - Milestone discussions with development of next steps and assignment of owners. - Remaining time will be devoted to technical discussion of SLRRP and development of open item list for further discussion on mailing list. DESCRIPTION: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technique whereby a device, known as an RFID 'reader', can remotely sense the presence of, and access embedded memory on, a transponder, known as a 'tag'. Tags may be affixed to objects as a means to track the location and movement of said objects within facilities equipped with readers. Tags may also include environmental sensors that may capture and report conditions to which the tag has been subjected. The tags can be stationary (attached to fixed locations in a facility) or mobile (attached to things moving about the facility). The readers can be stationary (attached to doors, walls, shelving, or scaffolding) or mobile (handheld, or vehicle- mounted). Recently, as a result of the development of standard RF (air) protocols and through the application of low-cost embedded computing technology, the implementation of RFID readers has evolved from peripherals, typically connected to a host computer via a serial port; to standalone devices supporting TCP/IP stacks, connected via wired (Ethernet) or wireless (802.11) LAN technology to enterprise computing resources supporting RFID-enabled client applications. We envision a typical RFID deployment comprising of a network of RFID readers controlled by one or more reader network controller elements (which may be software in a server, embedded software in a router/switch, or a standalone device). These controller elements in turn are connected to hosts/servers running client applications that ultimately consume the acquired tag data and management applications that monitor the operation of the reader network. This working group will specify a controller-to-reader protocol, the Simple Lightweight RFID Reader Protocol, or SLRRP (pronounced 'slurp') for use in an IP-based network to convey configuration, control, status, and tag information to and from readers. This will be the initial priority of the working group. In the future, the working group may specify a set of cooperating functions and possibly protocols that achieve the level of operations support and management expected of devices in today's IP network infrastructure. It is possible that work undertaken in other working groups and even other standards bodies (e.g. MIBs, discovery protocols) will be referenced by this working group. It is even possible that entire deliverables could be satisfied by the work of other working groups (e.g. discovery protocols). This working group will seek to maximize the use of existing specifications where applicable. SLRRP Interaction With Other Standards Bodies: There are currently two organizations that develop specifications for RFID air protocols, ISO and EPCGlobal. Because the IETF will not define a specific RFID air protocol, it is an appropriate venue for the development of an air protocol-independent framework for RFID reader communications and management. This is the goal of SLRRP. Because this working group seeks to develop operations and protocols based on RFID operations defined in publically available documents, there is no need for a formal liason between this working group and other organizations. Members of the working group are encouraged to participate in the other standards development forums so that the proper awareness of dependencies and cooperating functions can be maintained. Goals and Milestones: November 04 Post draft-krishna-slrrp-00.txt and draft working group charter (Complete) Jaunary 05 Post updates to draft-krishna-slrrp-00.txt (Complete) Febrary 05 Plan for BoF at 62nd IETF March 05 BoF at 62nd IETF April 05 Complete required charter actions Sept. 05 Submit SLRRP to IESG as Proposed Standard Internet-Drafts: Informational Links: _______________________________________________