The IESG has approved the following document: - 'Full-mode Fax Profile for Internet Mail: FFPIM ' <draft-ietf-fax-ffpim-08.txt> as a Proposed Standard This document is the product of the Internet Fax Working Group. The IESG contact persons are Scott Hollenbeck and Ted Hardie. Technical Summary Classic facsimile document exchange represents both a set of technical specifications and a class of service. Previous work has replicated some of that service class as a profile within Internet mail. The current specification defines "full mode" carriage of facsimile data over the Internet, building upon that previous work and adding the remaining functionality necessary for achieving reliability and capability negotiation for Internet mail, on a par with classic T.30 facsimile. These additional features are designed to provide the highest level of interoperability with the standards-compliant email infrastructure and mail user agents, while providing a level of service that approximates what is currently enjoyed by fax users. Working Group Summary The FAX working group reached consensus to advance the document. There were no issues raised during IETF last call. Protocol Quality Scott Hollenbeck has reviewed the specification for the IESG. _______________________________________________