IASA Transition Team

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We are pleased to announce that the IASA transition team
has been formed and work is underway.  Final selections
by the IAB and IESG were:

    Lucy Lynch (selected by the IESG)
    Kurtis Lindqvist (selected by the IAB)

The IESG and IAB found themselves in the privileged position of being
able to consider many individuals would collectively bring a considerable range
of talents and capabilities to this activity. We are very grateful to all those
who were in a position to offer their time energy for the transition team.

Kurtis and Lucy join

    Steve Crocker (selected by ISOC BoT)
    Lynn St.Amour (ISOC President/CEO)
    Leslie Daigle (IAB Chair)
    Harald Alvestrand (IETF Chair)

to form the IASA transition team.


Harald Alvestrand wrote:
> The IESG and IAB have called for IETF consensus on a plan for transitioning
> IETF administrative support infrastructure.
> If the transition that we have proposed garners IETF consensus, we intend to
> build a transition team in order to get to work on the details of the
> we are building as fast as possible.
> The transition team will do substantial work on getting the IASA structure up
> and running. The transition team would not be empowered to make binding
> agreements, but could work with appropriate consultants and advisors to make a
> lot of progress towards making sure the IASA gets off to a quick start - see
> draft-wasserman-adminrest-plan for details.
> This effort will require a substantial time investment from the team members
> the months of November, December and January; the exact length of the team's
> tenure depends on the speed and result of the process leading to the IAOC
> seated.
> As described in draft-wasserman-adminrest-plan, the composition of the team is
> the following:
> 1 IESG selected member
> 1 IAB selected member
> 1 ISOC selected member
> The IETF Chair
> The IAB Chair
> The ISOC President/CEO
> The IESG and IAB needs to find the right people to select for this team - we
> need people who understand the types of issues involved (financial,
> legal and so on), as well as understanding the IETF.
> We would like to have suggestions from the community on who would be good
> people for these roles. Please send names of people you think would do a good
> job on this team (or your own name, if you're willing to be considered) to the
> the IESG and IAB lists (iesg@ietf.org and iab@ietf.org); we will attempt to
> together a merged "candidate pool" from which the IAB and IESG can make their
> picks.
> In order to make it possible to consult with people at the IETF, we request
> that you send us the names of possible candidates before November 8, 2004.
> More info on the admin restructuring process can be found at
> http://www.alvestrand.no/ietf/adminrest/
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     Yours to discover."
                                -- ThinkingCat
Leslie Daigle



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