The IESG has approved the following document: - 'IETF Rights in Contributions ' <draft-ietf-ipr-subm-rights-fix-00.txt> as a BCP As part of issuing this RFC, RFC 3668 will also be reissued with a new number. This document is the product of the Intellectual Property Rights Working Group. The IESG contact person is Harald Alvestrand. Technical summary This document contains one very minor fix to RFC 3667, changing a few words of one piece of boilerplate. Given the importance of these documents, the IESG decided to issue a new RFC for this erratum. As part of issuing this RFC, RFC 3668 will also be reissued with a new number. Working Group summary The working group reached consensus on this change. Protocol Quality The document was reviewed for the IESG by Harald Alvestrand. RFC EDITOR NOTE: Please change section 6 bullet b: FROM: b. One of the following two copyright release statements: A. "By submitting this Internet-Draft, I accept the provisions of Section 3 of RFC XXXX." B. "By submitting this Internet-Draft, I accept the provisions of Section 4 of RFC XXXX." [note to RFC Editor - replace XXXX above with the number of this RFC] TO: b. One of the following three copyright release statements: A. "By submitting this Internet-Draft, I accept the provisions of Section 3 of RFC XXXX." B. "By submitting this Internet-Draft, I accept the provisions of Section 4 of RFC XXXX." C. The Copyright Notice specified in Section 5.4 and the disclaimer specified in section 5.5 [note to RFC Editor - replace XXXX above with the number of this RFC] _______________________________________________