Greetings, As of this upcoming IETF, we will have been examining the issues of administrative restructuring for about a year. We are now reaching the point where we think we can draw some conclusions and propose some actions to the community - we are not quite there, but close. As we have noted earlier, we are still gathering input - as part of that input-gathering, Carl Malamud, our consultant, will be listening to people throughout the IETF meeting - he will have "office hours" in the Marina 1 room at the hotel from 8am to 10am Mon-Thu, so that it is easy for you to find him. He is also accessible by e-mail ( At this stage, a recap of the history seems in order..... A historical perspective ------------------------ One year ago, the IAB chair and the IETF chair convened an IAB Advisory Committee that reviewed the administrative situation of the IETF. This committee gave its conclusions at the Minneapolis plenary that Fall, and published its findings in the form of a report (RFC3716). A key element of the committee's advice was that the IETF needs to get its overall administrative house in order to ensure continued and appropriate support of its technical activities. We have pursued that goal ever since. Four months ago, at the Seoul IETF, we presented a framework that we saw as a reasonable basis for moving forward: proposing the creation of a new organizational entity (which may be a new organization, or a new piece of ISOC) to coordinate and support the administrative activities that support the IETF effort. This entity would need to be clearly responsive to the needs of the IETF community, and responsible to that same community. The entity would not, however, affect the existing IETF technical processes, as described in RFC2026 and related documents. Any issues with those processes are, and will continue to be, discussed in IETF open fora. As we continued to develop the framework and study its implications, it became obvious that this required a level of expertise and work effort beyond what the IETF leadership had available - we needed to hire help. ISOC, at their May meeting in Barcelona, agreed to fund a hired consultant to assist in the work, and after a short and intensive search for candidates, we hired Carl Malamud to help us with the effort on June 21. Carl has been working on the information we have brought together, talked to many people and, drawing on his own expertise as well as other legal and financial advice, has started putting together concrete proposals for creating such an entity that would be suitably scoped, responsible to the IETF community and appropriately structured to carry out its mandate. You can talk to him at the IETF, and he'll give a short status report at the Thursday night plenary. Harald and I will give more details with respect to any proposed IETF decisions or actions at that time as well. Key points of the proposal -------------------------- The full report will be coming out after the IETF meeting week (i.e., after the IETF leadership has had time to review the material, and more listening has been done). By way of preview, we can say Carl has made more specific the vision painted in RFC 3716 of a single administrative organization that will collect meeting fees, administer ISOC funds and any other donations or revenues as appropriate. The organization would disburse these funds to the supporting organizations under contract, and be responsible for changing those contracts to reflect the evolving needs of the IETF when needed. The financial structure of this organization would have to be transparent to the IETF community as a whole, and the management would have to be clearly responsible to the IETF community. RFC3716 also outlined a number of ways in which the current working environment for WG chairs, participants and document editors could be improved. Carl's current material focuses on estabishing the administrative entity from which such activities could be launched, but he has not yet done anything to describe specific work items that should be launched here. Future work will be coordinated with the newly-starting TOOLS team which is working under the guidance of the IESG. Today's situation, and plans for this week ------------------------------------------ We know that we are not finished. We still are looking for more input from the community (including next week's plenary meeting), we are working through a list of issues as identified by the IETF leadership and ISOC, and we have to make sure (as far as we are able to) the whole plan is possible to execute. As we go through that, the plans and proposals are likely to change and evolve. What we do today will influence the shape of the IETF support structures for many years to come; we need to respond to the urgency outlined in RFC3716, and yet we owe it to ourselves to not be over-hasty. The IESG and IAB will be meeting Sunday to discuss the material that Carl has prepared so far. After talking to even more of you in San Diego, we hope to release a summary of the proposal that is currently on the table by mid-week, including specific points on which we want to use the Thursday plenary as an opportunity to get feedback from the community in a more intimate forum than the IETF mailing list. Once we have that input, and have revised the proposals accordingly, we expect to release them as an Internet-Draft as soon as possible - we aim for this first draft to be out within 2 weeks of the IETF, for subsequent discussion on the IETF list. Once we determine that we have community consent in moving on the proposals, we will start executing. See you in San Diego! Leslie and Harald. _______________________________________________