Leslie Daigle, IAB chair, has been sending monthly updates on the administrative restructuring activities to the IETF list. Since this is a particularly significant update, I thought it deserved a wider circulation. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since the Seoul plenary meetings, Harald and I have been working on our take-away action items. We had the opportunity to talk with the ISOC Board in mid-May. We reviewed briefly the trajectory set in motion from the AdvComm document, and outlined the framework that we presented in plenary in Seoul (the "AdminRest" framework, draft-daigle-adminrest). Following up on our statements in Seoul, we asked for support to address some of the cross-organization and specific organization tasks for current operational needs, and to support the task of exploring the AdminRest framework to the extent of producing more of a concrete proposal. I'm happy to report that the ISOC BoT was indeed very supportive of this effort. The specifics (i.e., ISOC Board resolution) will be published as part of the ISOC Board meeting minutes. The highlights of that support include the allocation of an ISOC budget sum, not to exceed $250,000, to be spent over a six month period for personnel, incidental expenses, and legal and accounting fees to hire and manage a consultant who will complete the analysis started in RFC 3716 and make recommendations regarding the organizational requirements and potential organizational models of the IETF. The first step, clearly, is to find and hire the appropriate person. We have a few people in mind to talk to, but as we can always use pointers to people we may not have thought of, here's an outline of the characteristics and expectations we're using as guidelines: This is a support function is not intended as a policy-making role, but intended to execute and clarify the policy set forth by the IETF leadership, reporting to the ISOC president (as an ISOC project). Essentially, we are looking for someone we can work with; the kinds of deliverables and requiremed skills are as outlined below. Deliverables for the project will include: Data Flow: a set of requirements for implementing appropriate tracking of IETF documents and reporting of status across the support organizations. RFC Editor contract: a negotiated contract that is agreeable to all concerned parties. Administrative restructuring: documentation and support as appropriate to the continued evolution of the restructuring effort, which is continuously reviewed by the IAB, IESG and the rest of the IETF community. Types of activities/tasks this will include: - Assist in drafting the proposed structure/bylaws for the IETF administrative entity - Revising proposed structure/bylaws based on the public review, including reviews by competent counsel - Negotiate the contracts for RFC Editor as a model for eventual use by the IETF administrative entity - Interacting with the RFC Editor, IANA and Secretariat to determine the requirements for inter-organizational document flow matched to overall IETF process needs So from this, we have the required skill set: - understanding inter-organizational relationships and document flows - ability in contract negotiation - insight into organization formalization - experience with the creation of organizations (preferably nonprofits) - understanding of the legal aspects of such an organization - understanding of the financial aspects of such an organization (all of this with the understanding that specific other expertise, e.g., financial and legal advice, can be brought in on an as-needed basis). We hope to identify a suitable candidate in the upcoming weeks. Leslie. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Reality: Yours to discover." -- ThinkingCat Leslie Daigle leslie@thinkingcat.com ------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ IETF-Announce@ietf.org https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf-announce