As you probably all know, we have used the ID-nits for a few years to help you all to prepare your Internet-Drafts such that they will process faster through the AD-review, IETF Last Call and IESG approval process. The name was somewhat wrong in that it is more a serious checklist than merely "nits" (however, there are some nits too). The IESG, RFC-Editor and IANA have evaluated the checklist, and a new (improved) ID-Checklist is now available at Please help us all by actually CHECKING your Internet-Draft BEFORE you pass it on to your AD and the IESG via a "request to publish". It will help to make the process go faster and reduce the workload on all of us if your document has been checked and complies with the guidance/rules in the ID-Checklist. Thanks, the IESG _______________________________________________