The IESG has approved the following documents: - 'SMTP Service Extension for Message Tracking ' <draft-ietf-msgtrk-smtpext-05.txt> as a Proposed Standard - 'An Extensible Message Format for Message Tracking Responses ' <draft-ietf-msgtrk-trkstat-05.txt> as a Proposed Standard - 'Message Tracking Query Protocol ' <draft-ietf-msgtrk-mtqp-12.txt> as a Proposed Standard - 'Message Tracking Model and Requirements ' <draft-ietf-msgtrk-model-07.txt> as an Informational RFC These documents are products of the Message Tracking Protocol Working Group. The IESG contact persons are Scott Hollenbeck and Ted Hardie. Technical Summary Message tracking is the ability to find out the path that a particular email message has taken through a messaging infrastructure and the current routing status of that message. This set of documents defines a model for message tracking, an SMTP extension used to control tracking information, and a query protocol that can be used to determine the current status of a specific message. Working Group Summary These documents are the product of the Message Tracking Protocol Working Group. Protocol Quality Ned Freed reviewed these specifications for the IESG.