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PLEASE NOTE: There are no scheduled IETF activities on Friday, March 5.

                       Agenda of the Fifty-ninth IETF
                        February 29 - March 4, 2004

SUNDAY, February 29, 2004
1000-1700 IEPG Meeting - Sapphire 1 
1200-1900 Registration - 2nd Floor Foyer
1300-1400 Newcomer's Training (English) - Sapphire 4
1400-1500 Newcomer's Training (Korean) - Sapphire 4
1300-1500 Editor's Training - Gardenia A-2 
1300-1500 Intro WG Chairs Training - Astor 
1500-1700 Security Tutorial - Sapphire 4
1700-1900 Welcome Reception - Crystal Ballroom

MONDAY, March 1, 2004
0800-2000 IETF Registration - 2nd Floor Foyer
0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - 2nd Floor Foyer 
0900-1130 Morning Sessions 
Sapphire 1    APP   apparea   Applications Open Area Meeting
Crystal 1/2   INT   nemo      Network Mobility WG *
Crystal 3     OPS   mboned    MBONE Deployment WG *
Emerald       SEC   mobike    IKEv2 Mobility and Multihoming WG
Sapphire 2/3  TSV   pwe3      Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge to Edge WG
Sapphire 4    TSV   sipping   Session Initiation Proposal Investigation WG

1130-1300 Break 
1300-1500 Afternoon Sessions I
Sapphire 2/3  APP   iiri      Internet Information Retrieval Infrastructure BOF
Emerald       INT   mip6      Mobility for IPv6 WG
Crystal 3     OPS   dnsop     Domain Name System Operations WG *
Sapphire 4    RTG   mpls      Multiprotocol Label Switching WG
Sapphire 1    SEC   pki4ipsec Profiling Use of PKI in IPSEC WG
Crystal 1/2   TSV   sip       Session Initiation Protocol WG

1500-1530 Break (Refreshments provided) - 2nd Floor Foyer 
1530-1730 Afternoon Sessions II
Emerald       APP   iea       Internationalizing Email Address BOF
Sapphire 2/3  INT   pana      Protocol for Carrying Authentication for Network 
                              Access WG
Crystal 1/2   OPS   v6ops     IPv6 Operations WG *
Crystal 3     RTG   idr       Inter-Domain Routing WG
Saphire 4     SEC   pkix      Public-Key Infrastructure (X.509) WG
Sapphire 1    TSV   tsvwg     Transport Area Working Group

1730-1930 Break
1930-2200 Evening Sessions
Sapphire 4    APP   simple    SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging 
                              Extensions WG
Crystal 3     GEN   genarea   General Area Open Meeting *
Sapphire 2/3  INT   mip4      Mobility for IPv4 WG
Emerald       IRTF  hiprr     HIP Related Research BOF
Sapphire 1    OPS   rmonmib   Remote Network Monitoring WG
Crystal 1/2   TSV   nsis      Next Steps in Signaling WG *

* Designates Multicast Sessions

TUESDAY, March 2, 2004
0800-1800 IETF Registration - 2nd Floor Foyer 
0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - 2nd Floor Foyer 
0900-1130 Morning Sessions
Sapphire 1    APP   crisp     Cross Registry Information Service Protocol WG
Crystal 3     INT   dhc       Dynamic Host Configuration WG *
Sapphire 2/3  OPS   psamp     Packet Sampling WG
Emerald       RTG   forces    Forwarding and Control Element Separation WG
Sapphire 4    SEC   opsec     Operational Security Requirements BOF
Crystal 1/2   TSV   avt       Audio/Video Transport WG *

1130-1300 Break
1300-1400 Afternoon Sessions I
Sapphire 1    APP   webdav    WWW Distributed Authoring and Versioning WG
Emerald       INT   dna       Detecting Network Attachment WG
Crystal 3     OPS   dnsop     Domain Name System Operations WG *
Sapphire 2/3  RTG   manet     Mobile Ad-hoc Networks WG
Sapphire 4    SEC   openpgp   An Open Specification for Pretty Good Privacy WG
Crystal 1/2   TSV   nsis      Next Steps in Signaling WG *

1415-1515 Afternoon Sessions II
Sapphire 1    APP   calsch    Calendaring and Scheduling WG 
Crystal 1/2   GEN   newtrk    New IETF Standards Track BOF
Sapphire 4    INT   l3vpn     Layer 3 Virtual Private Networks WG
Crystal 3     INT   magma     Multicast and Anycast Group Membership WG *
Sapphire 2/3  OPS   aaa       Authentication, Authorization and Accounting WG
Emerald       TSV   midcom    Middlebox Communication WG

1515-1545 Break (Refreshments provided) - 2nd Floor Foyer
1545-1645 Afternoon Sessions III
Sapphire 1    APP   ldapbis   LDAP (v3) Revision WG
Crystal 1/2   INT   ipv6      IP Version 6 WG *
Crystal 3     OPS   opsarea   Operations and Management Open Area
Emerald       SEC   smime     S/MIME Mail Security WG
Sapphire 4    TSV   iptel     IP Telephony WG
Sapphire 2/3  TSV   ippm      IP Performance Metrics WG

1700-1800 Afternoon Sessions IV
Crystal 1/2   INT   ipv6      IP Version 6 WG *
Sapphire 2/3  OPS   disman    Distributed Management WG
Sapphire 4    SEC   sasl      Simple Authentication and Security Layer WG
Emerald       TSV   rmt       Reliable Multicast Transport WG 
Sapphire 1    TSV   speechsc  Speech Services Control WG *

* Designates Multicast Sessions

WEDNESDAY, March 3, 2004
0800-1700 IETF Registration - 2nd Floor Foyer 
0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - 2nd Floor Foyer 
0900-1130 Morning Sessions
Crystal 3     APP   lemonade  Enhancements to Internet email to Support Diverse 
                              Service Environments WG *
Emerald       GEN   icar      Improved Cross Area Review WG
Sapphire 1    OPS   hubmib    Ethernet Interfaces and Hub MIB WG
Sapphire 2/3  OPS   multi6    Site Multihoming in IPv6 WG
Sapphire 4    TSV   enum      Telephone Number Mapping WG
Crystal 1/2   TSV   mmusic    Multiparty Multimedia Session Control WG *

1130-1300 Break
1300-1500 Afternoon Sessions I	
Sapphire 4    INT   l2vpn     Layer 2 Virtual Private Network WG
Emerald       IRTF  mobopts   IP Mobility Optimizations
Sapphire 2/3  OPS   netconf   Network Configuration WG
Sapphire 1    TSV   rserpool  Reliable Server Pooling WG
Crystal 3     TSV   sipping   Session Initiation Proposal Investigation WG

1500-1530 Break (Refreshments provided) - 2nd Floor Foyer 
1530-1730 Afternoon Sessions II
Sapphire 4    INT   hipbof    Host Identity Protocol BOF
Sapphire 2/3  OPS   capwap    Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points WG
Emerald       OPS   ipfix     IP Flow Information Export WG
Crystal 1/2   RTG   rtgarea   Routing Area Meeting *
Gardenia A-2  SEC   syslog    Security Issues in Network Event Logging WG
Crystal 3     TSV   avt       Audio/Video Transport WG *
Sapphire 1    TSV   rddp      Remote Direct Data Placement WG

1730-1930 Break
1930-2200 Plenary ? IETF Business Meeting - Crystal Ballroom

-  Welcome, and introduction - Harald Alvestrand
-  Welcome from the local hosts
-  State of operations:
   RFC Editor report
   IANA report
   IESG operations (Allison Mankin)
-  IESG Open Plenary
-  Review of Architectural Activities
   IAB Chair report
   IRTF Chair report
-  IAB Open Plenary

2230	Late Night Session
Sapphire 1     PGP Key Signing 

* Designates Multicast Sessions

THURSDAY, March 4, 2004
0800-1700 IETF Registration - 2nd Floor Foyer 
0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - 2nd Floor Foyer 
0900-1130 Morning Sessions	
Crystal 3     APP   marid     MTA Authorization Records in DNS BOF *
Sapphire 2/3  OPS   netconf   Network Configuration WG
Sapphire 4    RTG   ccamp     Common Control and Measurement Plane WG
Sapphire 1    SEC   krb-wg    Kerberos WG
Emerald       TSV   xcon      Centralized Conferencing WG

1130-1300 Break
1300-1500 Afternoon Sessions I
Sapphire 4    INT   eap       Extensible Authentication Protocol WG
Crystal 3     OPS   grow      Global Routing Operations WG *
Sapphire 2/3  SEC   inch      Extended Incident Handling WG
Emerald       SEC   ltans     Long-Term Archive and Notary Services WG
Crystal 1/2   TSV   dccp      Datagram Congestion Control Protocol WG *
Sapphire 1    TSV   nfsv4     Network File System Version 4 WG

1500-1530 Break (Refreshments provided) - 2nd Floor Foyer 
1530-1730 Afternoon Sessions II
Emerald       APP   geopriv   Geographic Location/Privacy WG
Crystal 3     OPS   v6ops     IPv6 Operations WG *
Sapphire 4    SEC   saag      Open Security Area Directorate
Sapphire 2/3  TSV   pmtud     Path MTU Discovery WG

1730-1930 Break
1930-2200 Plenary  - IETF Planning Meeting - Crystal Ballroom

  -  Welcome, and introduction - Leslie Daigle
  -  Technical issue: Multihoming, Identifiers and Locations
  -  IETF Reorg: Status report and discussion - Harald Alvestrand
  -  IETF AdminRest: Status report and discussion - Leslie Daigle & Harald Alvestrand

* Designates Multicast Sessions

APP  Applications   Ted Hardie/Qualcomm & Ned Freed/ Sun Microsystems
GEN  General        Harald Alvestrand/Cisco Systems
INT  Internet       Thomas Narten/IBM Corp. & Margaret Wasserman/ThingMagic
OPS  Operations &   David Kessens/Nokia & Bert Wijnen/Lucent Technologies
RTG  Routing        Bill Fenner/AT&T & Alex Zinin/Alcatel
SEC  Security       Steven Bellovin/AT&T and Russ Housley/Vigil Security
SUB  Sub-IP Area    Alex Zinin/Alcatel &  Bert Wijnen/Lucent Technologies
TSV  Transport      Allison Mankin/Bell Labs, Lucent & Jon Peterson/NeuStar

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