In discussions with the Korean Ministry and Consulate, we have been told the following: 1. U.S. citizens traveling to Korea to attend the IETF meeting in Seoul do not need a visa, as they are traveling to attend a technical, non-profit conference. They can stay in Korea up to 30 days for such purposes and for tourism. 2. A visa is required if traveling to Korea for business purposes, such as meeting customers or other business purposes. 3. U.S. government employees going to Korea as individuals to attend a technical, non-profit conference such as IETF or for tourist purposes do not need a visa so long as they are going as private citizens. U.S. government employees going to Korea for official purposes do need a visa. We are waiting for an official letter from the Korean Consulate in Washington, DC stating the above. As soon as we receive this letter, we will send out a notice as well as post it on the 59th IETF Meeting Web page. You will be able to run off a copy of the letter and take it with you in case you need it for Korean Immigrations. On your arrival card for Korea, state that you are attending a technical conference. This should suffice. If you are asked for additional information, then present the letter at that time. The Ministry of Korea has a web site on visa requirements at: