WG Action: RECHARTER: Audio/Video Transport (avt)

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The charter of the Audio/Video Transport (avt) working group in 
Transport Area of the IETF has been updated.  For additional information, 
please contact the Area Directors or the working group Chairs.

Audio/Video Transport (avt)

Current Status: Active Working Group

Colin Perkins <csp@csperkins.org>
Magnus Westerlund <magnus.westerlund@ericsson.com>

Transport Area Director(s):
Allison Mankin <mankin@psg.com>
Jon Peterson <jon.peterson@neustar.biz>

Transport Area Advisor:
Allison Mankin <mankin@psg.com>

Mailing Lists:
General Discussion: avt@ietf.org
To Subscribe: avt-request@ietf.org
Archive: www.ietf.org/mail-archive/working-groups/avt/current/maillist.html

The Audio/Video Transport Working Group was formed to specify a
protocol for real-time transmission of audio and video over unicast
and multicast UDP/IP. This is the Real-time Transport Protocol, RTP,
together with its associated profiles and payload formats. The 
current aims of the working group are:     

 - to advance the main RTP specification and RTP Profile 
   for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal Control 
   for publication as full Internet Standards

 - to review and revise existing payload formats to advance those
   which are useful to Draft Standard, and to declare others
   as Historic. Milestones will be established as a champion for 
   each payload format is identified.

 - to develop payload formats for new media codecs, and to
   document best-current practices in payload format design. 
   The group continues to be precluded from work on codecs 
   themselves because of overlap with the other standards 
   bodies, and because the IETF does not have the ability 
   to effectively review new codecs. An exception was made 
   for the freeware iLBC codec on a highly experimental basis, 
   but acceptance of new codec work is unexpected and subject 
   to rechartering.

 - to complete the forward error correction work in the ULP and
   UXP payload formats

 - to extend RTP to work with Source-Specific Multicast sessions
   with unicast feedback

 - to provide a framing mechanism for RTP over TCP and TLS

 - to review the applicability of Compressed RTP operation on
   MPLS networks, developing extensions as necessary

 - to develop a new RTP profile as the combination of the SRTP
   profile and the Extended RTP Profile for RTCP-based Feedback

The group will also coordinate with the DCCP working group to
ensure that RTP can be efficiently transported over DCCP.

The longer term goals of the working group are to advance the 
SRTP Profile, the Extended RTP Profile for RTCP-based Feedback,
the Compressed RTP framework, and the RTP MIB to Draft Standard. 

The group has no plans to develop new RTP profiles beyond those
listed above, but will consider rechartering to produce profile
level extensions if appropriate.            


Oct 2003  Review DCCP including prototypes and API; feedback to DCCP WG
Nov 2003  Initial draft requirements for ECRTP over MPLS; discuss with MPLS WG
Dec 2003  Submit UXP Payload Format for Proposed Standard              
Dec 2003  Submit ULP Payload Format for Proposed Standard 
Dec 2003  Submit RTCP/SSM draft for Proposed Standard
Dec 2003  Submit iLBC codec specification for Experimental
Dec 2003  Submit iLBC payload format for Proposed Standard
Jan 2004  Advance RTP specification and A/V profile to Full Standard
Mar 2004  Submit Framing of RTP for TCP and TLS for Proposed Standard
Mar 2004  Identify payload formats to classify as Historic
Mar 2004  Finish requirements for ECRTP over MPLS; 
	  recharter for subsequent work
Jul 2004  Submit RTP/SAVPF profile for Proposed Standard
Jul 2004  Begin update of SRTP profile for Draft Standard RFC
Jul 2004  Begin update of RTP/AVPF profile for Draft Standard RFC
Aug 2004  Consider update of RTP MIB
Nov 2004  Collect SRTP implementation reports
Nov 2004  Collect RTP/AVPF implementation reports
Mar 2005  Submit SRTP for Draft Standard
Mar 2005  Submit RTP/AVPF for Draft Standard

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