The Constrained RESTful Environments (core) Working Group will hold a virtual interim meeting on 2019-02-06 from 16:00 to 17:00 Atlantic/Reykjavik. Agenda: The CoRE working group will have conference calls running every two weeks until IETF 104. Day: every other Wednesday beginning on 23 January Dates: 23 Jan; 6, 20 Feb; 6, 20 March We will use the working group WebEx for the calls. The IETF WebEx account does not allow International dialing nor US toll free ("800" numbers), but you can use the WebEx app (e.g., on your smartphone) to connect your device audio, and there's also the option of connection directly from your browser if your browser supports it. Information about remote participation: WebEx details will be sent to the mailing list before each call.