The IESG has approved the following document: - 'Discussion of the IASA 2.0 Changes as They Relate to the IETF Trust' (draft-ietf-iasa2-trust-rationale-03.txt) as Informational RFC This document is the product of the IETF Administrative Support Activity 2 Working Group. The IESG contact person is Alissa Cooper. A URL of this Internet Draft is: Technical Summary The IASA 2.0 changes will have an impact on the IETF Trust because members of the IET Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC) IAOC, which is being phased out, have served as Trustees of the IETF Trust. This discussion document provides background on the current IETF Trust arrangements, explains the effect of the rules in the founding documents during a transition to a new arrangement, and provides a rationale for the update. Working group summary This document was reviewed reviewed by the IASA2.0 WG. There was some discussion during WGLC of whether this document should advance to Information RFC or simply be allowed to expire. The group expressed a slight preference for advancing the document, as it is referenced by draft-ietf-iana2-trust-update. There were a few review comments from the WG that should be implemented before this document becomes an RFC. It is anticipated that those changes will be wrapped into the document with any last call comments. For example, the last sentence of Section 1 now states that this document was not targeting RFC status, which it clearly now is. Document Quality There are no concerns about document quality. Personnel Jon Peterson is the document shepherd. Alissa Cooper is the responsible area director.