As people may be aware, a process is underway to create a new limited liability corporation (LLC) that is a disregarded entity of ISOC (i.e., it is treated as a branch or division of ISOC for tax purposes) to house the administration of the IETF. Discussions about various aspects of the LLC are happening in the IASA2 working group (WG: and mailing list: Some of the proposed structural elements of the LLC are described in draft-hall-iasa2-struct <>. This process may result in changes or additions to the positions for which the 2018-2019 nomcom is asked to select candidates. For example, the nomcom may be asked to fill positions on the to-be-created board of the LLC. WG discussions are ongoing and ideally there will be more clarity on this before the nomcom issues its initial call for candidates. If you volunteered for the nomcom but you think you may be interested in serving on the LLC board, please contact me to be removed from the volunteer pool. Send me mail at: nomcom-chair-2018 at ietf dot org or scott dot mansfield at ericsson dot com (Use the second address if your MTA has a highly restrictive SPF policy specified because mine honors those.)