The 2017-18 Nominating Committee (NomCom) is seeking nominations from now until October 8, 2017. The open positions being considered by this year's NomCom can be found at the end of this email and also on this year's NomCom website: Nominations may be made by selecting the Nominate link at the top of the NomCom 2017 home page, or by visiting the following URL: {Note that nominations made using the web tool require an datatracker account. You can create a datatracker account if you don't have one already by visiting the following URL: } If you are unable to use the web form, nominations may instead be made by email to nomcom-17 at ietf dot org. If using email, please include the word "Nominate" in the Subject and indicate in the email who is being nominated, their email address (to confirm acceptance of the nomination), and the position for which you are making the nomination. If you are nominating someone other than yourself, please tell us if we may tell the nominee that you were the one who made the nomination. If you wish to nominate someone via email for more than one position, please use separate emails to do so. Self-nomination is welcome! Willing nominees will be asked to fill out a questionnaire specific to the position for which they are nominated. The questionnaires will be available on September 5, 2017 and have a submission deadline of October 13, 2017. NomCom 2017-18 will follow the policy for "Open Disclosure of Willing Nominees" described in BCP 10/RFC 7437. As stated in RFC 7437: "The list of nominees willing to be considered for positions under review in the current NomCom cycle is not confidential". Willing nominees for each position will be listed in a publicly accessible way, e.g., anyone with a datatracker account may access the lists. Additionally, the nomination form asks if we may share your own name with the nominee. In all other ways, the confidentiality requirements of BCP 10 remain in effect. All feedback and all NomCom deliberations will remain confidential and will not be disclosed. There is a field on the form you can mark in order to allow the NomCom to tell the nominee that you were the one who made the nomination. This defaults to “no” - so if you don't mark the field we won’t tell. In order to ensure time to collect sufficient community feedback about each of the willing nominees, nominations must be received by the NomCom on or before October 8, 2017. Please submit your nominations as early as possible for the sake of your nominees. Note that nominations should not wait for management permission, as it is easier to decline the nomination than put one in late. The NomCom appoints individuals to fill the open slots on the IAOC, the IAB, and the IESG. The list of people and posts whose terms end with the March 2017 IETF meeting, and thus the positions for which this NomCom is responsible, follows: IAOC Leslie Daigle* IAB * Ted Hardie * Joe Hildebrand* * Lee Howard* * Erik Nordmark * Martin Thomson * Brian Trammell IESG * Adam Roach (ART) * Alia Atlas (RTG)* * Benoit Claise (OPS)* * Suresh Krishnan (INT) * Mirja Kühlewind (TSV) * Alexey Melnikov (ART) * Kathleen Moriarty (SEC) *- have indicated that they do not intend to accept a renomination. This information is always up to date on Please be resourceful in identifying possible candidates for these positions, as developing our talent is a very crucial requirement for the IETF, and also, please consider accepting a nomination. You'll find extensive information about specific positions, developed by the IAB, IESG, and IAOC, under individual tabs at: In addition to nominations, the NomCom seeks community input on the positions themselves. We need and welcome the community's views and input on the jobs within each organization. If you have ideas on the positions' responsibilities (more, less, different), please let us know. Please send suggestions and feedback about this to nomcom-17 at ietf dot org. Thank you for your help in identifying qualified nominees! Peter Yee NomCom Chair 2017-18 nomcom-chair-2017 at ietf dot org peter at akayla dot com