Dear colleagues, This is the usual IAB report to the community about our activities since the previous meeting (in this case, since IETF 97 in Seoul). As ever, we hope that this form allows you to prepare topics you might want to discuss during the open mic. But of course, if you have views you want to make known by email, we're easy to reach: send mail to to reach our public discussion list, and to reach just the IAB. The IAB has a few chartered roles. We confirm the appointments to the IESG and perform standards process oversight and handle appeals. We also perform architectural oversight (including appointing the IRTF Chair), we manage the RFC series and the IETF's relationship with IANA, and we handle liaisons and appointments both to ISOC and to other organizations. We try to ensure that anything we do is part of one of these areas of responsibility, and we try to make sure these are all covered. Here's what we've been doing since IETF 97. You can find mention of each of these on the IAB pages at (where there's more background, too): • RFC Format Changes. You've been hearing for some time about these. In December, the requirements were published as RFCs 7990-7998. There remains work to be done in this area, as the project shifts to building and testing the tools required, but for now, the IAB returns more immediate oversight to the RFC Series Oversight Committee. (RFC Series) • Appointment to the ISOC Board of Trustees. The IAB made its appointment to the ISOC BoT. We thank the community for the feedback on candidates. ISOC announces its BoT itself, so look for that announcement in the near future. (Liaisons and appointments) • Reappointment of Independent Submission Editor. The IAB reappointed Nevil Brownlee as the Independent Submission Editor (ISE). We appreciate Nevil's willingness to serve for another year. (RFC Series) • Appointment to IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC). The IAB alternates with the IESG in making 2-year appointments to the IAOC. The IAB appointed Kaveh Ranjbar. We thank the community for the comments on candidates. (Liaisons and appointments) • Public comment responses. The IAB tries to respond to requests for comment when it believes that the request impinges on the architecture or functioning of the Internet and and that a response may be of general use to the community. Since Seoul we commented on a request from ICANN for comment on display of RDDS output, a request from ICANN for comment on Identifier Technology Health Indicators, and to a request from the United States NTIA on Fostering the Advancement of the Internet of Things. The IAB also made a statement on OCSP Stapling. (Architectural oversight) • Process documents. Thanks to the IANA Stewardship Transition last year, the IAB has some new appointments to make. We have encoded our procedures for making two such appointments in RFCs 8090 ("Appointment Procedures for the IETF Representatives to the Community Coordination Group") and RFC 8128 ("IETF Appointment Procedures for the ICANN Root Zone Evolution Review Committee"). (Liaisons and appointments) • Confirmation of the IESG. This year, this task was more exciting than usual because of people moving around on the IESG. (IESG confirmation) DOCUMENTS You can always find the documents the IAB has adopted and is working on at There is one document about the RFC series: draft-iab-rfc-preservation-04 Digital Preservation Considerations for the RFC Series (at RFC Editor) There are in process some workshop reports: draft-iab-carisreport-02 Coordinating Attack Response at Internet Scale (CARIS) Workshop Report (at the RFC Editor) draft-iab-iotsi-workshop-01 Report from the Internet of Things (IoT) Semantic Interoperability (IOTSI) Workshop 2016 draft-iab-iotsu-workshop-01 Report from the Internet of Things (IoT) Software Update (IoTSU) Workshop 2016 (in community review, nearly done) draft-nrooney-marnew-report-02 IAB Workshop on Managing Radio Networks in an Encrypted World (MaRNEW) Report (expired but adopted; the new version of the file has not been uploaded since Seoul) The other documents are related to the IAB's architectural functions: draft-iab-privsec-confidentiality-mitigations-08 Confidentiality in the Face of Pervasive Surveillance draft-iab-protocol-transitions-08 Out With the Old and In With the New: Planning for Protocol Transitions (in community review, nearly done) draft-iab-web-pki-problems-05 Improving the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for the World Wide Web PROGRAMS The IAB organizes its work, for the most part, into programs. There are basically two classes: management programs and architectural programs. The former are how we handle the oversight of various things, and the latter are where we do architectural work. The former are expected to last as long as the IAB continues to have that oversight function; the latter last until the IAB has come to a conclusion on the relevant group of topics, and we expect them to wind down afterwards. Programs are listed at As a general rule, each architectural program has a public mailing list, as well as a member-specific list. For subscription instructions, see We review programs periodically. In the period since Seoul, we reviewed the IANA Evolution Program. The program did a lot of work in the period prior to the IANA stewardship transition; but with that event over the IAB determined that we could expect a period of quiet. Accordingly, the membership of the program has been scaled back, and the work plan for the program has reverted to the usual oversight function that was its normal business prior to the transition work. The IAB also reviewed the Names and Identifiers Program (INIP). The IAB observed that the program had not achieved most of its goals over its time, and also noted that there did not seem to be the energy and evidence of progress that might indicate the results would change. It's worth noting that our discussion of this situation set out a new presumption for the management of programs. People have sometimes made an analogy between programs and IETF working groups, but they serve different purposes. Unlike working groups, which have a procedural function on top of the other functions, IAB programs are inexpensive to set up and close down. Therefore, the IAB decided to close INIP, even though the issues that inspired the program remain unresolved and even though the IAB continues to think there is a problem that needs some architectural input. It appears there are some other programs that would benefit from similar treatment, and the IAB will be reviewing those in the near future. The IAB also reviewed the RFC Series Oversight Committee (RSOC). This is an unusual program in that it is formally created by an RFC, but internally we operate it like any other oversight program. This program is functioning well. The two major work items are any needed assistance in digesting the format changes, and the RSE RFP and selection process (which will happen this year). There was some discussion of replacing Adam Roach on the RSOC were he to be appointed as an Area Director, but the IAB decided against it. There is also a potentially important thing to draw to community attention: there is a new guideline for the display of DOIs, and RSOC is unhappy with it. If the guideline is to be enforced, RSOC plans to recommend discontinuing the use of DOIs. More discussion is in the IAB meeting minutes from 2017-01-11. We added a new program before IETF 97: the Plenary Planning Program, to ensure that the IAB component of the IETF plenary is improved. The program is fairly new, and this is only the second meeting where its influence is being felt, so it would be a good time to get feedback about whether things are getting better. OPEN COMMUNICATIONS For some years, the IAB has had a wiki that it uses for its internal communications. Because of the role of the IAB, especially in respect of appointments and outward-facing activities, that wiki has always been private to the IAB. Some materials ought to be handled privately. Nevertheless, there are lots of things the IAB discusses that do not need to be private. Yet the availability of the private wiki naturally meant that materials tended to end up there even if they did not need to be private. To solve this, the IAB has created a separate, public wiki. It is at There have been some teething problems due to accounts not working as expected (and due to old habits dying hard), but we're working to put any work that does not need to be private in the public wiki. RENEWAL IAB terms begin and end with the first IETF meeting of the year, so this report is the final one from this IAB. The new IAB will begin in Chicago, at IETF 98: Alissa Cooper, IETF Chair, Cisco Brian Trammell, ETH Erik Nordmark, Independent Gabriel Montenegro, Microsoft Jari Arkko, Ericsson Jeff Tantsura, Futurewei Joe Hildebrand, Mozilla Lee Howard, Independent Mark Nottingham, Akamai Technologies Martin Thomson, Mozilla Robert Sparks, Oracle Suzanne Woolf, Independent Ted Hardie, Google We thank outgoing members Ralph Droms, Russ Housley, Andrew Sullivan, and Dave Thaler for their service. At IETF 98, the IAB will also select its new chair and will announce who it is during the course of the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Andrew Sullivan For the IAB -- IAB Chair (Andrew Sullivan)