The IESG has approved the following document: - 'DHCPv6 Failover Protocol' (draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-failover-protocol-06.txt) as Proposed Standard This document is the product of the Dynamic Host Configuration Working Group. The IESG contact persons are Suresh Krishnan and Terry Manderson. A URL of this Internet Draft is: Technical Summary This document defines a protocol implementation to provide DHCPv6 failover, a mechanism for running two servers with the capability for either server to take over clients' leases in case of server failure or network partition. It meets the requirements for DHCPv6 failover detailed in "DHCPv6 Failover Requirements" (RFC7031). Working Group Summary There is a strong consensus behind this document in the working group and in particular from very active participants of the dhc WG. Document Quality This document has had thorough reviews by many interested and knowledgeable folks, and is based on the DHCPv4 failover design which had many years of review but never made it to the IESG. There were no significant points of difficulty or controversy with the contents of the document. There is a commercial product (Cisco Prime Network Registrar) that has implemented a protocol that is very similar to the draft protocol and it has been deployed in large service provider's networks (as well as many other deployments). Personnel Bernie Volz is the document shepherd. Suresh Krishnan is the responsible AD.