All - A reminder that we are still actively seeking candidates - We have had two individuals accept their nominations already and feedback is open: You can also send also send feedback to: We depend on your input and look forward to hearing from you. The calendar for our process can be found here: Details on the nomination process: The 2016-17 Nominating Committee (NomCom) is seeking nominations from now until February 17, 2017 for the position of ART AD. This appoint will fill the 1 year vacancy created by Alissa Cooper's resignation as she moves to the IETF Chair seat. Nominations may be made by selecting the Nominate link at the top of the NomCom 2016 home page, or by visiting the following URL: {Note that nominations made using the web tool require an datatracker account. You can create a datatracker account if you don't have one already by visiting the following URL: } If you are unable to use the web form, nominations may instead be made by email to If using email, please include the word "Nominate" in the Subject and indicate in the email who is being nominated and their email address (to confirm acceptance of the nomination). If you are nominating someone other than yourself, please tell us if we may tell the nominee that you were the one who made the nomination. Self-nomination is welcome! Willing nominees will be asked to fill out a questionnaire for the ART AD position. The questionnaires will be available February 8, 2017 and have a submission deadline of February 17, 2017. Thanks - Lucy Lynch NomCom Chair 2016-2017