A new IETF WG has been formed in the Internet Area. For additional information, please contact the Area Directors or the WG Chairs. IP Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (ipwave) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Current status: Proposed WG Chairs: Carlos Bernardos <cjbc@it.uc3m.es> Russ Housley <housley@vigilsec.com> Assigned Area Director: Suresh Krishnan <suresh.krishnan@ericsson.com> Internet Area Directors: Terry Manderson <terry.manderson@icann.org> Suresh Krishnan <suresh.krishnan@ericsson.com> Mailing list: Address: its@ietf.org To subscribe: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/its Archive: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/its/ Charter: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/charter-ietf-ipwave/ Automobiles and vehicles of all types are increasingly connected to the Internet. Comfort-enhancing entertainment applications, road safety applications using bidirectional data flows, and connected automated driving are some of the new features expected in automobiles to hit the roads from now to year 2020. Today, there are several deployed Vehicle-to-Internet technologies (V2Internet) that make use of embedded Internet modules, or an occupant's cellular smartphone: mirrorlink, carplay, android auto. Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I, not to be mistaken with V2Internet) Communications are used for wireless exchange of critical safety and operational data between vehicles and roadway infrastructure, intended primarily to avoid motor vehicle crashes. Similarly, Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications (V2V) are used for short-range communications between vehicles to exchange vehicle information such as vehicle speed, heading and braking status. This group will work on V2V and V2I use-cases where IP is well-suited as a networking technology and will develop an IPv6 based solution to establish direct and secure connectivity between a vehicle and other vehicles or stationary systems. These vehicular networks are characterized by dynamically changing network topologies and connectivity. V2V and V2I communications may involve various kinds of link layers: 802.11-OCB (Outside the Context of a Basic Service Set), 802.15.4 with 6lowpan, 802.11ad, VLC (Visible Light Communications), IrDA, LTE-D, LP-WAN. One of the most used link layers for vehicular networks is IEEE 802.11-OCB, as a basis for Dedicated short-range communications (DSRC). Several of these link-layers already provide support for IPv6. However, IPv6 on 802.11-OCB is yet to be fully defined. Some aspects of the IPv6 over 802.11-OCB work have been already defined at IEEE 1609 and the specification produced by this working group is expected be compatible with these aspects. This group's primary deliverable (and the only Standards track item) will be a document that will specify the mechanisms for transmission of IPv6 datagrams over IEEE 802.11-OCB mode. Once this document is completed, it will also be reviewed by the 6man working group. This group will work on an informational document that will explain the state of the art in the field and describe the use cases that will use IPv6 in order to focus the work of the group. The group will also work on informational document that describes the problem statement and the associated security and privacy considerations. The working group will decide at a future point whether these informational documents need to be published separately as RFCs or if they maybe combined. The group will try to reuse relevant technologies for Internet of Things (IoT) and infrastructure mobility that have been developed in other IETF and IRTF groups. The WG will pay particular attention to the privacy characteristics of solution it develops in order to minimize unwanted tracking opportunities. The group will closely coordinate with IEEE 802.11. The IETF has also established a formal liason relationship with ISO/TC204 in connection with the work to be performed by this working group. The work produced by this group may also be of interest to other SDOs such as ETSI TC ITS, 3GPP, and government organizations such as the NHTSA. No formal co-ordination is anticipated with these groups at this point but work done in these SDOs may end up becoming relevant to the WG deliverables in the future. Milestones: Nov 2016 - Draft for "IPv6 over 802.11-OCB" adopted by WG Dec 2016 - Draft for "ITS General Problem Area" adopted by WG Mar 2017 - Draft for "Problem Statement" adopted by WG May 2017 - Submit "IPv6 over 802.11-OCB" to IESG Oct 2017 - Submit "ITS General Problem Area" to IESG May 2018 - Submit "Problem Statement" to IESG