Subject: IAB Seeks Feedback on Nominees for IRTF Chair The IAB recently requested nominations for IRTF Chair. For details on the position and further links, please see: Following the call for nominations, which ran from 20 April 2016 through through 22 June 2016, the IAB contacted each person that was nominated and asked them to accept or reject their nomination. At this point, 5 people have indicated a willingness to serve. They are: Stephen Farrell Brian Haberman Dirk Kutscher Allison Mankin Colin Perkins The IAB is actively soliciting comments on these people and their ability to serve as IRTF Chair. Please send your remarks in confidence about any or all candidates to and by Friday, 22 July 2016. We thank you in advance for your help. Best regards, Cindy Morgan IAB Executive Administrative Manager