The IESG has approved the following document: - 'Network Transport Circuit Breakers' (draft-ietf-tsvwg-circuit-breaker-15.txt) as Best Current Practice This document is the product of the Transport Area Working Group. The IESG contact persons are Mirja Kühlewind and Spencer Dawkins. A URL of this Internet Draft is: Technical Summary This document explains what is meant by the term "network transport Circuit Breaker" (CB). It describes the need for circuit breakers when using network tunnels, and other non-congestion controlled applications. It also defines requirements for building a circuit breaker and the expected outcomes of using a circuit breaker within the Internet. The WG has requested Best Current Practice status because this draft provides protocol design (and in some cases, operational) guidelines for the Internet. This request is the rough consensus of the WG. Working Group Summary The Transport Area WG (TSVWG) is a collection of people with varied interests that don't individually justify their own working groups. This draft is strongly supported by the portion of the TSVWG that is concerned with congestion, and has received reviews and discussions from several experts within that community. Overall support for this draft comes from about a dozen members of the WG, which is relatively broad support for a TSVWG draft. Discussion in TSVWG has not been controversial; the draft has evolved moderately from the initial -00 version that the WG adopted about a year ago, with no major objections to its content in WG discussion. In contrast, the circuit breaker concept has been controversial in other IETF forums, with strong opposition observed to imposing circuit breaker support as a protocol design requirement. The concept of a managed circuit breaker is intended to allow response via a different control-plane protocol or via other mechanisms such as OAM and/or network operator monitoring of service delivery. The shepherd expects this issue to resurface at IETF Last Call, and is accordingly dusting off his (virtual) Kevlar vest. There is complementary work elsewhere in the IETF, e.g., the RTP circuit breaker activity in the AVTCORE WG. Document Quality This is a BCP, so not a candidate for direct implementation. In addition to other reviews from Roni Even and Linda Dunbar, we received especially detailed reviews from Benjamin Kaduk (for SECDIR) and Andy Malis (for the RTG directorate). Personnel Document Shepherd: David Black Responsible AD: Spencer Dawkins