Please find below the Draft Agenda of the 56th IETF Meeting in San Francisco, CA. This is a preliminary agenda and may be changed before February 25, Tuesday, when the scheduling closes. Also take into consideration the following: - There will NOT be sessions on Tuesday evening, March 18th - There will NOT be a social on Tuesday evening, March 18th - There WILL be sessions on Friday morning, March 21st +++ Draft Agenda of the Fifty-sixth IETF March 16-21, 2002 SUNDAY, March 16, 2003 1000-1700 IEPG Meeting - 1200-1900 Registration - 1300-1330 Newcomer's Orientation - 1330-1400 IETF Standards Process Orientation - 1500-1700 Security Tutorial - 1700-1900 Welcome Reception - MONDAY, March 17, 2003 0800-1930 IETF Registration - 0800-0900 Continental Breakfast 0900-1130 Morning Sessions APP apparea Applications Open Area Meeting INT dhc Dynamic Host Configuration WG SUB ccamp Common Control and Measurement Plane WG 1130-1300 Break 1300-1500 Afternoon Sessions I APP trade Internet Open Trading Protocol WG INT pana Protocol for carrying Authentication for Network Access WG OPS mboned MBONE Deployment WG OPS rmonmib Remote Network Monitoring WG RTG ospf Open Shortest Path First IGP WG TSV enum Telephone Number Mapping WG 1500-1530 Break (Refreshments provided) - 1530-1730 Afternoon Sessions II APP simple SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions WG INT eap Extensible Authentication Protocol WG TSV rserpool Reliable Server Pooling WG 1730-1930 Break 1930-2200 Evening Sessions INT ipv6 IP Version 6 Working Group WG OPS psamp Packet Sampling WG RTG idr Inter-Domain Routing WG TSV ieprep Internet Emergency Preparedness WG TUESDAY, March 18, 2003 0800-1700 IETF Registration - 0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - 0900-1130 Morning Sessions RTG rpsec Routing Protocol Security Requirements WG SEC msec Multicast Security WG TSV avt Audio/Video Transport WG 1130-1300 Break 1300-1400 Afternoon Sessions I APP fax Internet Fax WG OPS entmib Entity MIB WG SEC smime S/MIME Mail Security WG 1415-1515 Afternoon Sessions II RTG forces Forwarding and Control Element Separation WG 1515-1545 Break (Refreshments provided) - 1545-1645 Afternoon Sessions III APP ldapbis LDAP (v3) Revision WG 1700-1800 Afternoon Sessions IV WEDNESDAY, March 19, 2003 0800-1700 IETF Registration - 0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - 0900-1130 Morning Sessions APP calsch Calendaring and Scheduling WG OPS v6ops IPv6 Operations WG SUB ppvpn Provider Provisioned Virtual Private Networks WG 1130-1300 Break 1300-1500 Afternoon Sessions I INT magma Multicast & Anycast Group Membership WG OPS aaa Authentication, Authorization and Accounting WG SEC inch Extended Incident Handling WG TSV avt Audio/Video Transport WG 1500-1530 Break (Refreshments provided) - 1530-1730 Afternoon Sessions II SEC ipsec IP Security Protocol WG SUB tewg Internet Traffic Engineering WG 1730-1930 Break 1930-2200 Open Plenary - 2230 Late Night Session PGP Key Signing THURSDAY, March 20, 2003 0800-1700 IETF Registration - 0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - 0900-1130 Morning Sessions INT ipv6 IP Version 6 Working Group WG TSV dccp Datagram Congestion Control Protocol WG 1130-1300 Break 1300-1500 Afternoon Sessions I INT eap Extensible Authentication Protocol WG SEC sasl Simple Authentication and Security Layer WG 1500-1530 Break (Refreshments provided) - 1530-1730 Afternoon Sessions II RTG vrrp Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol WG TSV nfsv4 Network File System Version 4 WG 1730-1930 Break 1930-2200 Open Plenary - Friday, March 21, 2003 0800-0900 Continental Breakfast - 0900-1130 Morning Sessions SEC pkix Public-Key Infrastructure (X.509) WG TSV pwe3 Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge to Edge WG