I've just installed lm_sensors 3.0 on my X60s, and this is the firsttime lm_sensors works for me. Previously it would crash.Enyway, I wonder if someone has a list of the proper sensor labels.Currently the sensors output is: thinkpad-isa-0000Adapter: ISA adapterfan1: 3098 RPMtemp1: +51.0°Ctemp2: +53.0°Ctemp4: +48.0°Ctemp5: +37.0°Ctemp7: +36.0°Ctemp9: +47.0°Ctemp10: +44.0°C But I'd like to see meaningfull names about the sensors.BIOS version is 7BETD2WW (2.13 )thinkpad-acpi is 0.18-20071013 -- damjan-------------------------------------------------------------------------This SF.net email is sponsored by: MicrosoftDefy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/vse0120000070mrt/direct/01/_______________________________________________ibm-acpi-devel mailing listibm-acpi-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/ibm-acpi-devel