Hello all.
I have a few questions about udev.
I have tried the net for several hours/days, but much of the udev
documentation out there is over 5 years old and I have had no lucuck
with the following questions:
Udev. Q1. is it case sensitive? i.e. is kernel=="sd?*" allowed as a
synonym for KERNEL="sd?*"
Udev Q2. What does UDEV define as a "long running process"? Are there
some docs or a udevadm cmd that will report udev compile time options? A
config file that specs that? a systemd unit file that specs that?
Udev. Q3. Would a command like: systemctl set-environment GKH="Gregory
the Great" qualify as long running? (it takes about 0.132 secs)
Udev Q4. Could ANY list variable that can be modded with += have TWO (or
more) new terms added to it?
such as say SYMLINK+="/media/%k","/mnt/%k" ?
Udev Q5. Similar to the above I would like to have
RUN+="/path/to/Somecmd %k %n","/path/to/Someothercmd $foo" in some rule.
is that OK?
Udev. Q6. Is RUN guaranteed to be last? so that PROGRAM will set the var
RESULT before RUN starts its stuff?
Udev. Q7. At what point does SYSTEMD_WANTS take effect? How would I
ensure that say my PROGRAM had set RESULT before
the SYSTEMD_WANTS magic happened?
Udev. Q8. IMPORT and RUN and PROGRAM all have a "type" option one of
which is "builtin" which refers to bultin cmds.
where do I get a list of such builtins? there is nothing in man udev.
Thank you.
Greg Morse
Sent from My Linux Mint Desktop