Am 22.12.2010 16:58, schrieb Martin Pitt:
Josua Dietze [2010-12-22 12:42 +0100]:
Maybe an "official" udev page consisting of the current man page and
two or three additional notes regarding changes in previously
available features would help. Or does it exist and I missed it?
The one I quoted from is the official manpage, as it is released
upstream in the last few versions (>= 162).
I was thinking of something that would come up if you google for "udev man page"
or "udev home"; this will hardly work for a XML file in a git tree ...
But it's no big deal either; I mean, I found it eventually, right? Those who
really care will arrive there sooner or later.
Thanks for your time!
Josua Dietze
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