DDC_DEVICEs are useful control points for high-end monitors such as the HP DreamColor. The DDC/CI interface allows userspace applications to upload custom colorspaces and interact with the display without using the monitor hardware controls. Note: the DDC/CI parts can't really be added to the kernel API, as DDC/CI is very vendor specific. To upload a custom colorspace to a HP monitor requires lots of per-model and per-vendor specific parsing code, and this really doesn't want to be in the kernel. For this reason gnome-color-manager is using i2c-dev and the attached patch to be able to upload custom colorspaces to the monitor from userspace without using a privalege escalation framework such as PolicyKit, with the logic the user can already change most of the settings of ddc/ci using xrandr. If a malicous application can already switch off the monitor using xrandr, then the same program being able to change the colorspace and deguass the monitor is not really your biggest worry. Please review, and consider. Thanks. Richard.
Description: Binary data