AR for Mary: 1. Talk to Leann about using part of the intern's time to help w/ memtoy. 2. Update the SIG homepage (status, testing report, planning,...). 3. Report any issue on the memory add/ meory utilization that is not directly related to memtoy to the SIG mailing list. 4. Look at SAR to verify if it reports on any memory statistics AR for Martine: 1. Send mail to dcl_tech_board to request that the member companies' memory specialists provide feedback on Mel's patches. 2. Send mail to Trent Shue to ask if Cougaar and JMemProf are commonly used by the Java community and should be added to the list of user tools to be monitored. 3. Ask Gerrit if SystemTap has any memory monitoring component. Attendees: Mary Edie Meredith, OSDL Bryce Harrington, OSDL Bruce Vessey, Unisys Natalie Protasevich, Unisys Joel Schopp, IBM Martine Silbermann, HP * Report from last DCL TWG F2F in Portland During last week's F2F Martine reported on the SIG's activities and also requested for more help on system administration issues which currently are being handled by Bryce to the detriment of the development of scripts and tests for memory hot-add. Tom Hanarhan, OSDL's engineering director explained that a lot of new state-of-the-art equipement is being added to the lab and that older hw was being "retired". There are also funds to hire a new lab manager which will free up Bryce's time. Bryce also shared that some of the activities that he's doing on the NFSv4 project will benefit the hotplug tests. One of the issue that needs involvement from the member companies is the lack of feedback on the recently published patches by Mel Gorman on fragmentation avoidance using the zone approach. AR for Martine: Send mail to dcl_tech_board to request that the member companies' memory specialists provide feedback on Mel's patches. Gerrit Huizenga suggested that the tests that we develop as part of the SIG's activities such as the hotplug CPU and memory regression tests should be included in the STP. Bryce has already included the CPU tests into the STP. * Status on memory testing Memtoy which is the open source test provided by Lee Schermerhorn provides a good framework for memory migration and memory hot-add testing but needs modification since it was written specifically for NUMA. Mary has been investigating but ran into issues not related to memtoy but more generally to the verification of use of memory at specific addresses. AR for Mary: Report to the SIG mailing list any issue on memory add and memory utilization that are not directly related to memtoy. * Last meeting's AR Martine went over the possible list of user tools that do memory monitoring and will be addressed by test case 6. The following list of ARs issued from the discussion: AR for Mary: Look at SAR to verify if it reports on any memory statistics. AR for Martine: Send mail to Trent Shue to ask if Cougaar and JMemProf are commonly used by the Java community and should be added to the list of user tools to be monitored. AR for Martine: Ask Gerrit if SystemTap has any memory monitoring component. Next meeting will be on Tuesday March 28th at 11:00am -12:00pm PST, 2:00pm - 3:00pm EST. Martine J. Silbermann