Theses are the minutes from the Hotplug SIG con call held 01/04/2005. Attendees: Joel Schopp, IBM Bruce Vessey, Unysis George Mann, BULL Randall Loomis, Wind River Chris Johnson, SUN Russ Anderson, SGI Mark Wong, OSDL Mary Edie Meredith, OSDL Martine Silbermann, HP * Update on testing: Mark is in the process of integrating the CPU and memory tests/scripts into the STP. The systems donated by IBM are in the lab but aren't currently powering up, cause being investigated. According to the data sheet those systems do not support hardware hotplugging. Upgrade to the firmware might be needed to support dynamic LPAR. AR: Mary to find out if the system currently has the firmware to support dynamic LPAR or if upgrade is needed. AR: Mark will send out a proposal to the group explaining how he plans to automate the tests, what will be tested and what checks should be done after running the tests to verify that the tests were successful. * Update on OpenHPI: OpenHPI 2.0 was released at the end of the year. No further SIG related activity since the last meeting. * Hotplug SIG web page: Thanks Mary for creating a new hotplug SIG page that gives easy and quick access to current projects status and more general info on the SIG: AR: Martine and any interested SIG member to provide feedback on this page and more input on some items such as terminology. AR: Mary to find out if we can have direct access to the SIGs page (at least the subscribe form) from the public OSDL home page (instead of having to click on Lab activities to see the SIG tab). * BOF at LWE in Boston. The exact day and time are not currently finalized. I'll send out mail as soon as we know. AR: e-mail any topic that you'd like to be covered at the BOF to Joel Schopp at jschopp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx * Next meeting: Since the DCL tech board will have a Face-2-Face in 2 weeks, the regular Tuesday meeting will be replaced by a con call into the F2F meeting. Currently this call is planned to happen on Thursday January 20th, 2005 at 11:30am Pacific but the time might change. A reminder mail will be sent with exact time and phone information (note that the phone info may be different from the regular con call). This will allow DCL tech board members to be brought up-to-date on the SIG's activities and to provide their input in the matter. AR: Anyone with a topic that they'd like to be discussed during that special con call please send me mail. Happy New Year to all, may 2005 be a great year for Hotplug :-) Martine J. Silbermann