[Hotplug_sig] Re: [Lhms-devel] aioalloc kernel oops

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On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 09:43:16AM -0800, Dave Hansen wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-12-06 at 09:28, Mark Wong wrote:
> > I was trying out tests-041126 against the 2.6.10-rc1-mm5-mhp1 with
> > page_section, local_memmap, local_memalloc, lru_drain_wq, nonlinear
> > and nowriteback patches applied on top of that.  I get the following
> > oops when I run make test, let me know if I can provide more
> > information:
> ...
> > EIP is at online_pages+0x7f/0xb0         
> > eax: 2073096d   ebx: 00000000   ecx: 2073096d   edx: 2073096d
> > esi: ffcae800   edi: 00008000   ebp: f747f3e0   esp: f750eea0
> The odds are that is from this loop:
>         for (i = 0; i < nr_pages; i++)
>                 online_page(pfn_to_page(pfn + i));
> So, either the pfn_to_page translation is bogus, or the pages aren't
> mapped properly.  I'd suspect the local_memmap patches.  More complete
> debugging info would include an 'addr2line -e c01669cf vmliunux' and
> disassembly of online_pages().

The addr2line returned:

But here is a disassembly of online_page() from objdmp:

c0166950 <online_pages>:
c0166950:       57                      push   %edi
c0166951:       b8 2e 7c 36 c0          mov    $0xc0367c2e,%eax
c0166956:       56                      push   %esi
c0166957:       53                      push   %ebx
c0166958:       83 ec 10                sub    $0x10,%esp
c016695b:       31 db                   xor    %ebx,%ebx
c016695d:       89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp,1)
c0166961:       8b 7c 24 24             mov    0x24(%esp,1),%edi
c0166965:       8b 74 24 20             mov    0x20(%esp,1),%esi
c0166969:       c7 04 24 40 b5 37 c0    movl   $0xc037b540,(%esp,1)
c0166970:       89 7c 24 08             mov    %edi,0x8(%esp,1)
c0166974:       89 74 24 0c             mov    %esi,0xc(%esp,1)
c0166978:       e8 33 c7 fb ff          call   c01230b0 <printk>
c016697d:       39 fb                   cmp    %edi,%ebx
c016697f:       72 3f                   jb     c01669c0 <online_pages+0x70>
c0166981:       89 34 24                mov    %esi,(%esp,1)
c0166984:       e8 77 f8 ff ff          call   c0166200 <pfn_to_page>
c0166989:       8b 00                   mov    (%eax),%eax
c016698b:       c1 e8 1d                shr    $0x1d,%eax
c016698e:       8b 04 85 30 08 4a c0    mov    0xc04a0830(,%eax,4),%eax
c0166995:       01 b8 18 03 00 00       add    %edi,0x318(%eax)
c016699b:       b8 2e 7c 36 c0          mov    $0xc0367c2e,%eax
c01669a0:       89 7c 24 08             mov    %edi,0x8(%esp,1)
c01669a4:       89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp,1)
c01669a8:       c7 04 24 78 b5 37 c0    movl   $0xc037b578,(%esp,1)
c01669af:       e8 fc c6 fb ff          call   c01230b0 <printk>
c01669b4:       83 c4 10                add    $0x10,%esp
c01669b7:       31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax
c01669b9:       5b                      pop    %ebx
c01669ba:       5e                      pop    %esi
c01669bb:       5f                      pop    %edi
c01669bc:       c3                      ret    
c01669bd:       8d 76 00                lea    0x0(%esi),%esi
c01669c0:       8d 04 33                lea    (%ebx,%esi,1),%eax
c01669c3:       89 04 24                mov    %eax,(%esp,1)
c01669c6:       e8 35 f8 ff ff          call   c0166200 <pfn_to_page>
c01669cb:       89 c2                   mov    %eax,%edx
c01669cd:       89 c1                   mov    %eax,%ecx
c01669cf:       8b 00                   mov    (%eax),%eax
c01669d1:       a9 00 80 00 00          test   $0x8000,%eax
c01669d6:       74 03                   je     c01669db <online_pages+0x8b>
c01669d8:       8b 4a 0c                mov    0xc(%edx),%ecx
c01669db:       8b 41 04                mov    0x4(%ecx),%eax
c01669de:       40                      inc    %eax
c01669df:       74 07                   je     c01669e8 <online_pages+0x98>
c01669e1:       43                      inc    %ebx
c01669e2:       39 fb                   cmp    %edi,%ebx
c01669e4:       72 da                   jb     c01669c0 <online_pages+0x70>
c01669e6:       eb 99                   jmp    c0166981 <online_pages+0x31>
c01669e8:       89 14 24                mov    %edx,(%esp,1)
c01669eb:       e8 90 17 fb ff          call   c0118180 <online_page>
c01669f0:       eb ef                   jmp    c01669e1 <online_pages+0x91>
c01669f2:       8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi,1),%esi
c01669f9:       8d bc 27 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%edi,1),%edi

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