Attendees: Wind River , Stratus Technologies, HP, OSDL, SUN, Intel, Bull Report on SAF/DCL/CGL meeting in Japan: Martine reported that she made a short presentation of the hotplug SIG at the Japan F2F. She got some feedback from DCL members reporting that they'd get their hotplug engineers involved in the SIG. She also had a 1-on-1 with Yoshiya Eto from Fujitsu to discuss how the SIG could help in memory hotplug regression testing for NUMA type of architecture. Japan requested we meet at a time more convenient to them occasionally. We decided to use the monthly DCL-J calls to discuss Hotplug status rather as a first step. Status of memory hotplug regression testing: Mary reported that OSDL is expecting a hardware donation that would fit the configuration requirements outlined by Joel. She explained that we needed a commitment from someone in the SIG to select the appropriate tests and explain the environment needed to run them. To make them fit in STP (Scalable Test Platform), someone from the OSDL lab will be needed, as they are familiar with and understand the issues around STP. AR: Martine has to get a list of tests that people currently use to do memory regression testing and a short explanation of what part of the code those tests exercise. When we decide which tests should be integrated in the regression testing we need to get commitment from the SIG people that understand the tests to explain to OSDL how the tests work/ how to run them/how to interpret the results. We'll also need to address the issue of debugging the code when problems are found. AR: Mary will find out if there's also a NUMA type system that could be integrated in STP and used for regression testing. AR: Mary to get resources to scope the effort for creating tests on STP. Status of documentation of CPU hotplug: Martine is in the process of generating a document for CPU hotplug that is geared to kernel developers (not user level). She's hoping to submit a draft for review to this mailing list before the next meeting. Other topics: Windriver is looking at hotplug more at the system or IPMI services layer rather than at the components layer. Martine suggested they contact Tariq Shureih. Martine J. Silbermann Linux & Open Source Lab Hewlett-Packard