Dear all,
currently i am working on my Master thesis in Germany with the topic
„Privacy Implication of SSIDs in Probe request“. Therefore i need to
implement a SSID-Hash-scheme which should be used before the
authentication of an AP and a station. I am using two Raspberry Pi one
as a station and one as the AP. Right now i doing a initial testing
which includes to find out if an AP is able to recognise its hashed
SSID which is send from the station.
Therefore i am asking you if you are able to support me and maybe give
me a better understanding of the hostapd and the wpa_supplicant and
their authentication so that i am able to do those kind of
Attached i send you the reference for the research paper which is
working on that topic, starting on page 376 Chapter 6.1.
Ansohn McDougall, J., Burkert, C., Demmler, D., Schwarz, M., Hubbe,
V., & Federrath, H. (2022). Probing for Passwords–Privacy Implications
of SSIDs in Probe Requests. In International Conference on Applied
Cryptography and Network Security (pp. 376-395). Springer, Cham.
I hope i can reach somebody who can support me.
Kind regards
Gwendolyn Scharkowski
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