happy new year my friends :) I am writing about ap_isolate param. Also if you put to 0 the clients can't communicate each other... (chromecast as an example) there are lot of post about this issue in the www, some example whit lot of detail in openwrt forum: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/clients-in-same-wlan-cant-reach-each-other/2501/74 https://forum.openwrt.org/t/bug-report-802-11s-mesh-v19-07-4/78524/3 https://bugs.openwrt.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=714 the issue is present from several year and no solution is present. reading lot of posts as workaround you can use for enable/disable ap_isolation echo 1> / sys / devices / virtual / net / br0 / lower_wlp2s0 / brport / hairpin_mode echo 0> / sys / devices / virtual / net / br0 / lower_wlp2s0 / brport / hairpin_mode But after that you are no more able to join in the wifi Do you have any idea? Thanks a lot for your time! Below my config as example for my asus ac88 pcie. The wlp2s0 is in bridge whit other NICs. interface=wlp2s0 bridge=br0 driver=nl80211 ctrl_interface=/var/run/hostapd #ctrl_interface_group=0 ##### IEEE 802.11 ssid=oooooooooooo country_code=IT ieee80211d=1 ieee80211h=1 hw_mode=a channel=60 auth_algs=1 wmm_enabled=1 ##### IEEE 802.11n ieee80211n=1 ht_capab=[HT40-] [SHORT-GI-40] [DSSS_CCK-40] ##### IEEE 802.11ac ieee80211ac=1 vht_capab=[VHT160] [SHORT-GI-80] [SHORT-GI-160] [BF-ANTENNA-4] [SOUNDING-DIMENSION-4] [MU-BEAMFORMER] [MU-BEAMFORMEE] vht_oper_chwidth=1 vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx=66 ap_isolate=0 ##### WPA/IEEE 802.11i wpa=2 wpa_passphrase=asdasdasdasd wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK rsn_pairwise=CCMP _______________________________________________ Hostap mailing list Hostap@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://lists.infradead.org/mailman/listinfo/hostap